MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF February 10, 1994 Members of the steering committee met in Side Room A of the Otowi Building. Attending members were: Denise George Shirley Herrera Deborah Kubicek Karen Schultz Paige Wendee Brunish Roberta Day Idzorek Carol LaDelfe Pat Nickel Alexine Salazar This meeting was dedicated to planning for Expanding Your Horizons. Next meeting will be 11:45am to 1:00pm on Thursday Feb. 17th. Karen will arrange the room at send us all out notices. A tear-out sheet is attached to the back containing gophers and reserved vans. Use to pass around and sign up people. ***************************************************************** ** Agenda items for February 17th steering committee meeting ** ***************************************************************** Determine next meeting time Expanding Your Horizons (EYH): 1. Finance (Roberta Day Idzorek) a. Budget Review of Budget: Income: Starting Balance: $ 1000 (at least) State Network contribution: $ 200 Donations: $ 450 See below for status TOTAL: $ 1650 Expenses: Transportation: from/to EYH: $ 100 from/to workshops: $ 175 Refreshments: $ 440 See below for details Administrative Supplies: $ 75 Taken care of by PA Pamphlets, brochures, etc.: $ 100 Postage: $ 0 Taken care of by LANL T-shirts/"give aways" $ 1000 TOTAL: $ 1890 OUTSTANDING Issues: Quest for donations: - AAUW - Denise - Baskin & Robbins - Shirley - CJ Enterprises - Lynda - DeDe (Network) - Shirley - Gordons - Jo - Henry Valencia - Alexine - notepads/pencils/pens (100) $250 cash - LANB - Wendee - Mike Smith - Jo - McDonalds - Shirley - Carolyn Mangeng (New Deputy for NWT) - Wendee $ 25 gc - Otowi - Denise $200 cash - Warren "Pete" Miller - Denise - RBooks - Roberta - Sonic - Shirley Shirley will call Kathy Campbell to find out the exact starting balance. Checkbook needs to be gotten from Georgia. Settled Issues: Roberta took last years and reworked it A copy of the budget was sent around - many question marks WIS treasure has about $1000 in it Gloria Cordova from Public Affairs was contacted about financial/ other support: They will help with anything that needs Xeroxing, mailing, funding folders, etc. Shirley contacted Protocol about getting help. Protocol says that since this is such a short notice, they will not be able to help at all. Denise asked Linda Trocki help w/ funding. Probably will not help. Unable to contact. Cut off Date for contributors is Feb 16th (brochure deadline) It was decided to not spend every penny we had but to leave some for next year to get started with. b. Suggestions for T-shirts, buttons, etc. OUTSTANDING Issues: T-shirts need to be redesigned. T-shirts need to be ordered. We have 9 T-shirts remaining from last year. It was suggested that these be given away in a drawing for the girls. What to do with now that we are getting t-shirts for all girls? Karen will look into getting a few scientific projects/gadgets to raffle. She will look in Otowi Station and other places. Settled Issues: Karen looked into scientific gadgets/toys Lois looked into Protocol for money and/or give away items: None It is believed that the Network has rules regarding the amount WIS can give toward transportation. Last year we gave $90. Was suggested to have the raffle directly after lunch (must be present to win) in order to get the girls back in time for the afternoon session. Pat went to Sam's Club. No real good selection of "give aways". It was decided to go with T-shirts again as "give aways". Jo was volunteered to call places about getting the shirts themselves ordered. If She could find a place where the shirts are $5.00 or less, she can order them. Otherwise the EYH committee will have to approve them. c. Refreshments (Shirley) OUTSTANDING Issues: Shirley will see about ordering the refreshments. Settled Issues: Shirley will check with Protocol about getting these ordered: Hot cocoa for the morning Cookies and punch for the afternoon Prices: $ .45 /person/coffee $ .45 /person/hot cocoa $ .50 /person/cookie $ .65 /person/punch $ .75 /person/soda Note: These prices do include set up and clean up Approved: (1 coffee/hot cocoa + 1 soda + 2 cookies) * 200 people = $440.00 2. Program ( Jo and Karen) a. Status on Presenters (need about 15 presenters) Current List of Presenters: Name Topic Location Jan Benson Maps/Geography FIMAD, SM-215* Adrianne LaRoque Donna Berg Library Info System Library Francis Knudson Renita Cook Polymers ? Joyce Guzik Rockets ? Deniece Korzekwa Computer Simulations ? Deborah Kubicek Computers ? Kathleen Ramsey Veterinary Science Univ. House? Karen Schultz Paige Lasers & Optics Lunch Room A Michelle Ferran Mary Stinecipher Explosives M Div.? Marke Talley Water Testing Pueblo? Carroll Thomas Industrial Hygiene HS or such Kim Thomas Radioactivity ? Carol Wilkinson Med Energy Physics LAMPF a grad student * Room limited to six girls per session OUTSTANDING Issues: Karen will talk to Bonnie Korzekwa about networked Suns in Mari-Mac. Karen and Wendee will get together about room numbers for demo locations. Jo and Karen need to schedule a meeting with the presenters and gophers to make sure presentations are not too advanced for b. Current Program Layout 8:30 - 9:00 Registration 9:00 - 9:10 Welcome by Gloria 9:10 - 9:55 Kathleen opening 10:10 - 11:25 Morning workshops 11:40 - 12:40 Lunch out 12:40 Raffle of T-shirts (must be present to win) 1:10 - 2:25 Afternoon workshops 2:40 - 2:55 Speaker from LANL closing (? Carolyn Mangeng) 2:55 - 3:30 Robin Marshment closing OUTSTANDING Issues: Shirley to get TV/VCR in Study Center for video during registration. Settled Issues: Tape created by LANL, UNM-LA, and a TV station? entitled "Women in Science Critical Mass" we can possibly show during registration. This video is in an MTV style advertisement to get girls (grade 6 thru HS) interested in the science fields. It comes with a curriculum for the teachers. Carol will bring to the next meeting. c. Speakers status OUTSTANDING Issues: Lynda will call Kathleen about confirming the switch. LANL Speaker - Wendee attempting to get new Deputy for Nuclear Weapons Technology (Carolyn Mangeng). She is one of the highest ranked women at the Lab). Settled Issues: Alexine Salazar contacted Gloria Cordova about being the opening speaker for the conference. She accepted. Lynda talked to Dr. Kathleen Ramsay about being the closing speaker. She accepted and will also probably participate in a workshop. Wendee prepared a letter to go out to Robin Marshment to invite her to be the second speaker for opening. She accepted but ... Robin Marshment would like to come but has a problem with early morning. Wendee will call Robin about switching. Robin will do afternoon. 3. Evaluations (Pat Nickel) OUTSTANDING Issues: Pat will bring the updated girl's evaluation forms to the next meeting to discuss. Pat will also bring the adult evaluation form to view. Settled Issues: Got forms to give to Pat Big discussion about evaluations: was unable to get anything very informative from last years evaluations. What is the purpose of the evaluations? To see if something needs to be changed (ie. demos too technical) Do we want information back about certain aspects? Individual presentations and whether this will influence them about math/science in the future, etc. Do we need to rewrite the evaluation forms? Yes 4. Facilities (Wendee) a. Status on Facilities Location Room (capacity) Status Contact Study Center Upper Level Reserved 3/2 8-5 - University House Reserved 3/2 8-5 Reuben 7-2222 Pueblo Complex Conf Rm B (15) Reserved 3/2 9-4 Karen 7-3766 Otowi Building P280 Reserved 3/2 9-4 Lynette 7-8622 Otowi Building S160 Reserved 3/2 9-4 Teresa 7-3702 Otowi Building E128 Reserve after 2/22 Betty 7-5984 Otowi Building E228 Not Available Otowi Building P180 Not Available HRL Auditorium Reserved 3/2 9-4 Kathy 7-2689 Canyon School Joanna 7-5247 ACL Not Available Ann Hayes 5-4506 JAD Center Reserved ? DeDe Moon Room Mari-Mac OUTSTANDING Issues: Shirley to call Patsy at the Study Center to decide how they can help us. a. Transportation OUTSTANDING Issues: Lab Vans - sign up sheet on back of minutes Settled Issues: LABUS to/from presenter sites - Wendee - they will have a 40 passenger bus for that day. 5. Public Relations (Lynda) a. Brochure OUTSTANDING Issues: Need to be made Settled Issues: We should list the donators on the brochure. The Brochure should contain: schedule, presenters/demos, donations/sponsors, adult programs Deadline for getting material for brochure is Wed. Feb 16th b. Adult Recruitment (Jo and Karen) OUTSTANDING Issues: Possibility: Gordon Hoffman from LAHS to talk on college financing Settled Issues: Tour of Science Museum: Science museum tour is penciled in for both morning and afternoon until we can determine when it will be. Number of people for the tour could be up to 50 people. Handouts about Summer Adult Programs found and to go into packets. Mary Jo is not coming but recommended several others that could do the same lecture on college financing. c. Girls Registration (Alexine) Settled Issues: Shirley contacted Protocol about getting help with registration. Due to such a short notice they will be unable to help us with any aspect of EYH. d. Adult Registration (?) OUTSTANDING Issues: What is going on here? e. Contacts OUTSTANDING Issues: Jo to write flyers to Lab Women about participation. Shirley will give Denise a memo to go to Sig Hecker and Warren Miller. Send a memo to Sig Hecker about sponsoring EYH. (Shirley & Gloria) Settled Issues: Denise sent out the letters to the schools. Karen sent flyers to WIS about participation. Contact the school of Deaf to invite girls from there. They will need to provide their own signers - Denise Jo contacted The Monitor about coverage. We don't know when. before? during? after? f. Girl's Packet (Lynda) OUTSTANDING Issues: Lynda/Shirley to gather packet contents Shirley to check with Patsy for a room to use to assemble packets. Lynda talked to Georgia Fritz about looking into getting EYH stickers made for the handout packet (about 200). Shirley check with Gloria to see if packet folders are ordered/available. Settled Issues: Time/place to assemble packets: Fri. Feb 25th from noon on in Study Center Lynda called DeDe about getting the information from the Network that goes into the packets. Shirley has the Network's updated materials for the packets DeDe gave Shirley several boxes of packet material. g. Adult's Packet OUTSTANDING Issues: Carol will also bring to the next meeting information about the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Science by Mail Program. Settled Issues: Shirley got packet materials from DeDe. **************************************************************** ** Agenda item for future steering committee meetings ** **************************************************************** Bylaws - approval of changes - update board member duties - WIS name change Replacement of Carolyn Robinson and Elizabeth Aiello Subtasks: what topics can we attack using this method? Mentoring/Aid UNM Co-op program with UNM-LA Talk about DOE study Networking Recruitment More Publicity Talks EYH 1994 Workshop Gophers Name Workshop Status Phone Roberta Day Idzorek WS Confirmed 7-1975 Lynda Towers WS Confirmed 5-5172 Carol LaDelfe WS Confirmed 7-8474 EYH 1994 Reserved Vans Name Status Driver Capacity Phone Alexine Salazar reserved ? 5 persons 7-1785 Roberta Day Idzorek reserved ? 6 passenger 7-1975