'95 EYH Steering Committee Meeting 8/29/94 Minutes Attendees: Wendee Brunish, dede Collins, Renita Cook, Denise George, Shirley Herrera, Jo Irwin, Deborah Kubicek, Carol LaDelfe, Pat Nickel, Karen Schultz Paige, Alexine Salazar, and Lynda Towers. Shirley Herrera and Jo Irwin will co-chair the '95 EYH. The date is March 8 which is a Wednesday. The following people volunteered: Adult Program Wendee Brunish Brochures Lynda Towers Evaluations Deborah Kubicek Facilities Renita Cook Finance & Secretary dede Collins Materials & Publicity Alexine Salazar Public Relations Denise George Program Karen Schultz Paige Registration Carol LaDelfe Contact Shirley if you would like a job but were unable to attend. There were a few sub-committees that still need heads. Two people were mentioned as possible speakers: Rita Martinez-Purson, and Barbara Stien, DX Deputy Division Director. The tower building exercise used by the Southern Chapter at their EYH was discussed. It was suggested that this could be at the beginning of the day and take the place of a morning speaker. Having an essay contest similar to the one at the '93 EYH was discussed. It was mentioned that the response was poor. It was suggested that we come up with an idea that would be a project for the school and the school or class would win a prize. One idea was "Describe an experiment to go on a shuttle mission." The committee decided to meet once a month until January. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 20. Karen will reserve a room and contact everyone. After many of the committee had left dede brought up that the Network wants to update the "Surveying Your Future" EYH handout. We need volunteers to look at their field and see if the current write-up needs to be revised. Also if there are new fields that need to be added. If you know the original author and would be willing to ask if they would look it over that would be helpful, too. Please contact dede, 5-2349, if you would be interested. The write-ups are 1 1/2 pages long and have the format of answering these 5 questions: "What is a Chemist/etc.?", What makes a good chemist/etc.?", "What is life as a chemist/etc. like?", "How do I become a chemist/etc.?", and "Where are the jobs". The current career fields are: Topic Original Author Archaeology Carol J. Condie Architecture Toni Seidel Astronomy Mary Lou West Biology Ellen Goldberg Business Management Linda McEwen Chemistry Darlene C. Hoffman Computer Science/ Engineering Nancy Martin Dentistry Sherilyn Azevedo Ecology Diane Dudzinski Engineering Delores Etter Engineering and Science Laboratory Technology Marcie H. Fuerschbach Field Service Technology Catherine Hoven Geology Georgiana E. Pena-Kues Investment Analysis/ Brokerage Linda Kay Thorne Law Pamela B. Minzner Mathematics Barbara Epstein Medical Technology Pat Olsen Medicine Betty A. Hagaman Oceanography Diane Dudzinski Physics May Ann Sweeney Psychology Therese Elisabeth Goetz Statistics Katherine Campbell Technical Writing and Editing Lynne M. Johnson Veterinary Science Patricia M. Moore