MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF June 3, 1993 Members of the 1992-93 and 1993-94 old and new steering committees met at Susan Roach's home for dinner and committee meeting. Time was spent organizing old WIS records. At this time about 3/4 of all records are currently organized. Officers for the new steering committee were determined. President Jo Skrivan Vice President Lynda Towers Treasurer and Membership Lists Lois Dauelsberg Secretary Deborah Kubicek Liaison to NMNWSE Elizabeth Aiello Liaison to NMNWSE Lynda Towers Liaison to Women's Committee Carolyn Robinson Newsletter Leslie Swanson Membership to be decided at next meeting Public relations to be decided at next meeting Note: a list of the officers are attached. Karen Schultz Paige agreed to make arrangements for the steering committee meeting locations and then send out notices to all board members. Jo asked that the new steering committee meet two times per month for the first two months in order to get a good start on WIS activities. The next steering committee meeting will be held Thursday June 17th at 11:30am. Location to be announced later. The meeting after that will be Wednesday June 30th also at 11:30am. Lois agreed to distribute a list of new board members with names, phone numbers, and addresses. The new steering committee decided that a specific person should be responsible for each of the major events to occur during the next year. Those events will include: Expanding your Horizons Science Fair Spring Colloquium Annual Meeting Membership Tea Summer Picnic Christmas Breakfast Jo asked that several agenda issues be listed: Positions still to be filled: public relations (try to recruit Gloria) and special event heads Whether to delete or add special projects Scheduling/organizing for large major events Ideas for internal (LANL) focus that would help increased membership Start the new membership year (with NM Network) in October -- terms for steering committee would remain as is (July 1 - June 30) Special jobs - recruit membership assistance, whether WIS to become a Club 1663 subclub, someone to take care of copying/labels/mailing problems, minority recruitment and interface with minority organizations, microfiche project of WIS records Establish deadlines for newsletter input Decide what WIS records to keep (eg. only 2-3 years of minutes) Develop a budget Attach a membership list to the first newsletter and a form for address correction Another session of organizing records needs to be scheduled. Jo will review minutes before distribution. Karen will get a copy of the WIS bylaws to everyone on the steering committee along with the next meeting's notice. Deborah offered to store the boxes of WIS records in her home until something can be done with them (eg. microfiche).