MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF June 17, 1993 Members of the new steering committee met in room E-128 of the Ottowi Building. Attending members were: Elizabeth Aiello Lois Dauelsberg Shirley Herrera Deborah Kubicek Karen Schultz Paige Jo Skrivan Leslie Swanson Lynda Towers Jo will see about getting a hold of Gloria Cordova to recruit for PR. Invite Gloria to next board meeting - Karen will send her a notice The board decided to divide the roles of public relations into two areas: publicity and recruitment due to the need to focus on both issues. Elizabeth agreed to be head of publicity (includes Newsbulletin, Update, Monitor, New Mexican?, KRSN?). Special project heads will be responsible for getting necessary information to Elizabeth. Jo will get with Club 1663 to gather information about WIS joining them. Special projects: dates were tentatively chosen and some project heads were decided. See the agenda page for details. Note: it was decided that a project could have more than one head (actually was recommended). Project heads are responsible for getting necessary help, organizing, scheduling, and getting information to the publicity person and Newsletter person. Karen will call the public school system to find out when the Science Fair is scheduled. The Network's annual meeting will be held Oct 22-24 in Taos at the SageBrush Inn. This year it is sponsored by the Los Alamos Network. The WIS will try to hold their own caucus during that time. Karen will try to schedule a separate room for this to be held in. Jo would like the board and WIS to become more involved in EYH. Jo will call Carolyn and Denise about heading a special project. The board discussed calling WIS members to voluteer for a calling committee for special events. To be disussed in greater detail later. Karen and Shirely will head the Summer Picnic. This needs to be organized before the next meeting so that details can be put into the Newsletter. Karen will schedule the time/place for the June 30th board meeting and then send notices to all board members and Gloria. Jo will contact Susan Roach about the annual audit. Agenda items for June 30th steering committee meeting: Top priority issues: Finish assigning people to special projects Science Fair (Feb) - Expanding your Horizons (March) - Shirley Spring Colloquium (Early May) - Shirley Summer Picnic (Aug) - Karen and Shirley Membership Tea (Early Nov) - Carolyn Christmas Breakfast (Dec) - Jo, Lynda, and Carolyn Annual Meeting (Sept '94) - Newsletter Costs associated with / 1663 club solution Copying Labels Mailing Dates to publish The newsletter has been published quarterly in the past Next newsletter to be published after next board meeting Input deadlines What to put in it/Who is responsible for input: New Steering Committee members Notice about joining Network/new membership year/dues Message from new President about the upcoming year/plans? Attach a membership list to the first newsletter and a form for data corrections Attach a form: members to volunteer to help with special projects? Details of Summer Picnic Need to include a list of tentative dates for all special events for this year Advertise for NTU Other ??? How to pursue Public Relations/Recruitment: Recruit Gloria for P.R. Gloria as a resource for special groups Ideas for internal (LANL) focus Minority recruitment and interface with minority organizations Other areas of focus for recruitment? Secondary issues: Delete/Add Special projects WIS members 'calling committee' for help with special events Annual Audit Develop a Budget Update Bylaws Scheduling/Organizing small talks Brainstorm Passionate Issues Decide what WIS records to keep (eg. only 2-3 years of minutes) Schedule another session of organizing records Microfiche project of WIS records