MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF June 30, 1993 Members of the steering committee met in room E-128 of the Ottowi Building. Attending members were: Lois Dauelsberg Denise George Shirley Herrera Deborah Kubicek Karen Schultz Paige Carolyn Robinson Jo Skrivan It was decided to move the financial year to coincide with the membership year. Because of this, the annual audit will be delayed till October. Gloria Cordova agreed to help with recruitment. Gloria gave Jo a list of special interest groups at the laboratory. Jo would like a liaison from the steering committee for each of the groups: African American - Jo American Indian - Deborah Asian Pacific - Denise Club 1663 - ? Leslie Hispanic Council - Shirley Women's Committee - Carolyn, Karen WorkForce 2000 - Lois After the annual agenda is determined, we need to become more involved in these special interest groups. The purpose of being liaisons with these groups is to work together on issues in common and to offer our help when needed. The people assigned to these groups should get on the group's mailing list and go to meetings when common issues are discussed. Jo got with Club 1663 to gather information about WIS joining them. We just need to fill out an application form and give them a copy of our financial statement and ByLaws. Special projects: remaining project heads were decided. Science Fair (Feb '94) - Denise Expanding your Horizons (March '94) - Shirley Spring Colloquium (Early May '94) - Shirley and Jo Summer Picnic (Aug) - Karen and Shirley Annual Meeting (Oct) - Karen Membership Fling (Early Nov) - Carolyn and Lois Christmas Breakfast (Dec) - Lynda and Deborah Karen will schedule the time/place for the July 13th and July 27th board meetings and then send notices to all board members and Gloria. The next two meetings were scheduled so that Gloria would be able to attend in order to discuss recruitment. Jo will call Gloria and Lynda Towers to make sure they will be able to attend on the dates above. Jo would like someone to gather statistics about pay equity. Before the next meeting, Jo would like the board members to: Look over the ByLaws for needed changes Think of issues you would like to see on the annual agenda Karen had received a "Rainbow packet" from AA/EEO containing valuable statistics. Deborah will get copies of these for the rest of the board. Agenda items for July 13th steering committee meeting: Top priority issues: Newsletter Costs associated with / Club 1663 solution Copying Labels Mailing Dates to publish The newsletter has been published quarterly in the past Next newsletter to be published after next board meeting Input deadlines What to put in it/Who is responsible for input: New Steering Committee members Notice about joining Network/new membership year/dues Message from new President about the upcoming year/plans? Attach a membership list to the first newsletter and a form for data corrections Attach a form: members to volunteer to help with special projects? Details of Summer Picnic Need to include a list of tentative dates for all special events for this year Advertise for NTU Other ??? How to pursue Recruitment: Ideas for internal (LANL) focus Minority recruitment and interface with minority organizations Other areas of focus for recruitment? Brainstorm Passionate Issues (Determine Annual Agenda) Dependent Care Mentoring Pay Equity Target younger audience's interest in math/science (Careers & Curiosity) Others ??? Secondary issues: Delete/Add Special projects WIS members 'calling committee' for help with special events Develop a Budget Update Bylaws Scheduling/Organizing small talks Decide what WIS records to keep (eg. only 2-3 years of minutes) Schedule another session of organizing records Microfiche project of WIS records