MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF July 13, 1993 Members of the steering committee met in room E-128 of the Ottowi Building. Attending members were: Lois Dauelsberg Georgia Fritz Shirley Herrera Deborah Kubicek Karen Schultz Paige Jo Skrivan Leslie Swanson Lynda Towers Deborah handed out rainbow packets to the board. Newsletter discussion: The application to Club 1663 has not yet been turned in. It was decided to try to get it in soon but we will not wait on the Newsletter. If unable to get admitted to Club 1663 in time, Denise will handle copying of the Newsletter, Lois will handle labels, and Leslie (or the board at the next board meeting) will handle putting the Newsletter together. The date the board wants the Newsletter in people's hands is Friday, July 30th (1 week before the Summer Picnic). Therefore, they need to be mailed out by Thursday, July 29th. The deadline for getting input to Leslie is Wednesday July 21st. The Newsletter will contain those items listed on the last agenda along with a closing remark from Susan Roach. It was decided that dues for the upcoming memship year will be $25 due to Network dues. The Newsletter will be sent out to all people on the membership list regardless of whether their dues are paid up or not. This is in hope that people will become interested in WIS again and rejoin. There was some talk of Bylaw changes. The WIS's name is incorporated so any change would have to go through the State corporation board. The board sees no reason to change the name, just add a blurp ... Los Alamos Women in Science, subchapter of the Northern New Mexico WIS. The board does not want to merge with the Network because it was felt that we would lose our identity and focus. The board is to get together with the Women's Committee informally to discuss the Women's Committee Response to Jim Jackson's letter on Special Emphasis groups (WIS is one of the Special Emphasis groups at LANL). The meeting is tentatively set for Wednesday August 11th (or the 18th if the 11th is not possible for the Women's Committee). Karen will schedule the time/place for the July 28th board meeting (note date change) and then send notices to all board members. Agenda items for July 28th steering committee meeting: Top priority issues: Update Bylaws Brainstorm Passionate Issues (Determine Annual Agenda) Dependent Care Mentoring Pay Equity Target younger audience's interest in math/science (Careers & Curiosity) Others ??? Secondary issues: Delete/Add Special projects WIS members 'calling committee' for help with special events Develop a Budget Scheduling/Organizing small talks Decide what WIS records to keep (eg. only 2-3 years of minutes) Schedule another session of organizing records Microfiche project of WIS records Top priority issues for August board meeting: How to pursue Recruitment: Ideas for internal (LANL) focus Minority recruitment and interface with minority organizations Other areas of focus for recruitment?