Members of the steering committee met in side room B of the Ottowi Building.
Since I can not remember who was and was not there, attending members will
  not be listed.

The Women's Committee had several issues they wished to discuss with the 
  Women in Science.

Networking/Communication: they would like to set up some kind of way for
  women to stay in touch with issues, each other, etc. Women included are
  WIS, Women's Committee, outside world, schools. Two possibilities were
  suggested: gopher and bulletin board. Denise George will look into this.

Response to Jim Jackson's letter on the Special Emphasis Groups:
  The Women's Committee is writing up a statement on how they think the
  SEGroups should be operated. They will schedule a date to get together 
  with Francis Menlove to discuss this.

  A few of their recommendations:
    Name change of the SEGroups to Diversity groups
    Break away from AA/EEO office and form a "Diversity group"
    A paid staff would be available for office support to the SEGroups
    Each SEGroup with in this would receive a budget
    Create a leadership council of chairs of the SEGroups.

  Purpose: better leverage (closer to management) , more money, avoid 
    conflicts of interest with AA/EEO

  The Women's Committee would like the WIS to send a letter to Francis
    in support of the recommendations made.

The Women's Committee discussed their efforts to try to receive statistics
  in several areas. For Example, At Risk notices. The only statistics being
  gather are according to job category only. Rif notices will get a better 
  breakdown. But, there is still a problem of being able to get a hold of
  the breakdown statistics. The Women's Committee is also interested in 
  retirement statistics and restructuring and how it affects the minorities.

The Women's Committee discussed an "Exit Survey" that they have written and
  are trying to get approved to send out and interview people on. This survey 
  would be used to gather more statistic on the reasons for women leaving
  the laboratory. They would like the WIS help with actual interviews.

The Women's Committee is meeting with Francis on Aug 18th to discuss an HRD
  grievance survey. They would like someone from the WIS to go with them to
  the meeting to help support them.

KNME, UNM, and LANL developed a 1/2 hour video to induce young girls into 
  science careers. The video was targeted at middle school aged girls. 
  It was done in an MTV style. The video will be shown in Sept. on KNME. 
  The Women's Committee would like to hold a preview showing of the video. 
  They are asking the WIS for financial support for a reception.
  It was also thought that it would be nice to show this at EYH and someone 
  should see about getting a copy of the video.

It was decided by both the Women's Committee and the WIS that we should meet 
  at least quarterly to keep up to date. And meet more often as needed.

The Women's Committee were told that they would have a reply to their 
  questions, etc. after the WIS next board meeting which will be held next
  week Tuesday.