MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF August 17, 1993 Members of the steering committee met in the evening at Deborah's home. Attending members were: Elizabeth Aiello Lois Dauelsberg Denise George Deborah Kubicek Karen Schultz Paige Jo Skrivan Lynda Towers Lois passed out copies of the Financial statement. We discused the Women's Committee issues first and then our own annual agenda. Exit Interview: We felt that this should be done by the laboratory for several reasons: - one needs training in order to give an exit interview - breach of confidentiality - not our place The WIS would be willing to compile the data as long as there are no names attached. The WIS would also be interested in helping to create a better survey. I was felt that the survey we were given was confusing and poorly designed. HRD grievance survey: We strongly support this effort. Jo will see about going to the meeting tomorrow with the Women's Committee. Jo will write a report about the meeting and mail it out to the board members. Meeting Quarterly: Yes we are interested in meeting quarterly as a group to touch base. Carolyn needs to be notified that this is what we agreed upon (since she is the liaison for the Women's Committee). We need to ask the Women's Committee if it is okay if one of us sits in on their meetings. We also need to find out if one of the Women's Committee members would like to sit in on our meetings. Preview Showing of video: There is some confusion as to what the Women's Committee need financial support with. We assumed a reception but Jo received a memo from Gloria ? asking for support with production (air time). The WIS have many ideas for this previewing: target audience (teachers, principals, WIS members, general public, ?), where to have the showing, having it catered by an outside source vs. the laboratory. The WIS agreed to donate $100 for the reception and $200 for the production. Operation of the SEGroups: Jo will write a letter to Francis Menlove about supporting the Women's Committee's recommendations on how to operate. The board has given Jo the authority to speak on behalf of the entire board. Deborah will go to the actual meeting with the Women's Committee. WIS being renamed: It was decided that the official name for the WIS will be New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering, Norther Chapter - Los Alamos Women in Science Once the name is changed, we will be referred to as NMNWSE-WIS. Jo will talk to Georgia Fritz about getting the name changed officially. Networking/Communication: Denise looked into gopher system and newsgroup. She recommended using the newsgroup. The system is free. Anyone on internet can use it. One only needs to download some software. It will run on several different platforms (PC, Macintosh, Suns, etc.). We need to decide a name for the newsgroup: eg lanl.women We also need to decide on some subcategories. Please think on this before the next meeting or let Denise know at 667-6248. Brainstorming for our Annual Agenda: It was decided to choose only one issue at a time to deal with. Dependent Care: Women's Committee and several other committees have dealt with the issue of child care and have gotten no where. This issue will be put aside until a specific issue is found to deal with. Mentoring/Networking: Meaning - to take upon oneself the task of helping a person advance Jo had a memo from Sig about trying to set up a mentoring program. The program is too idealistic to really work properly. The WIS are more interested in informational resources. This topic is now renamed to Networking. This topic is of great importance and will be put on the agenda and be used to primarily increase membership for now. Pay Equity: This will be brought up again after the current agenda items are dealt with. Educational Outreach: This is definitely an issue we wish to put on the agenda. We need to look at the level (university women, ??) The next WIS board meeting will be Wednesday Sept 1st. Karen will do the usual reservations for a room and send out notices. Please come with some thoughts on how to fulfill our annual agenda. Our annual agenda now contains: * Increase membership with the help of two sub issues: * Networking * Educational Outreach **************************************************************** ** Agenda item for September 1st steering committee meeting ** **************************************************************** Details on how to fulfill our annual agenda: Talks Clinics Research Relaying gathered information ???