Members of the steering committee met in room E-228 of the Ottowi Building.
Attending members were:
    Shirley Herrera
    Deborah Kubicek
    Karen Schultz Paige
    Jo Skrivan
    Leslie Swanson
    Lynda Towers

Karen reported on here findings about mailing to certain people within the 
    Laboratory. The way it is done currently is to mail out to all the group
    secretaries and have them distribute to the target people (ie women,
    GRAs, summer students, etc.).

Karen reported that the NMNWSE meeting in Taos will not have a separate room 
    the Los Alamos branch. There will be so few people going from LA-WIS that
    I would not be worthwhile.

Deborah handed out a sample form for the WIS members to fill out in order to 
    update membership information (phone numbers, addresses, etc.). She will 
    update the change of information forms as discussed and then send them out 
    to the board for approval. After approval, Deborah will send out the forms
    to all the WIS membership, regardless of whether they are paid up or not.
    To pay for postage costs, a receipt should be sent to the treasure for

The next meeting will be held Wednesday Nov. 3rd somewhere in the Ottowi building.
    Karen will send out notices to the board on exact location and time.

Discussion of recruitment: Jo believes that recruitment into the WIS should 
    be targeted at mostly college women but also professional women.

In order to recruit we needed to decide what the Women in Science have to offer
    and what it would like to have to offer.

    Offers now/future: 
        networking opportunities
        database of our membership

        joined network - better networking capabilities
        general networking

        lack of membership involvement

        recruit college women (UNM-LA, College of Santa Fe, etc)
        recruit groups within the Laboratory (undergraduates, GRA, UGS, etc)
        mentoring/aid in helping mentor with class, information, etc
        advertising (pamphlets, ...)
        contact person - a person to call for information about/within the WIS

It was realized that surveys have been given in the past. Where is the 
    information gathered. Deborah will look through the boxes at her house
    to see if information there. Then this can be put into the database
    of WIS membership info.

Annual Agenda:
    * Increase membership with the help of two sub issues:
      * Networking
      * Educational Outreach

        **  Agenda item for November 3rd steering committee meeting  **

Update membership information
  - how to go about storing membership information
    - which machine
    - which data base
    - who is to control data
    - what to store



Keeping membership more informed about what the board is doing

More Publicity





Relaying gathered information:
  - network newsgroup

    - sub categories

  - way of letting people know what the WIS can offer (what can we offer?)