Members of the steering committee met in Side Room B of the Otowi Building.
Attending members were:
    Denise George
    Shirley Herrera
    Deborah Kubicek
    Susan Roach
    Karen Schultz Paige
    Jo Skrivan

Agenda item: Replacement of Carolyn Robinson and Elizabeth Aiello

Susan Roach (last years LAWIS president) agreed to replace one of the board 
    members for the next year and a half.

Jo will attempt to find a replacement for the other board member.

Agenda item: Update/contact membership

Deborah will contact DeDe Collins for a list of those LAWIS members who
    paid their dues directly to the Network.

The board decided that it needed more than one copy of the membership
    database info. When only one person has access, it is hard to access
    the info when that person is unavailable. Deborah agreed to try to get 
    Shirley a flat text copy of the membership info in order to put it into 
    another database. This will help Shirley to gain the updated lab info 
    (phone #s and mail stops) for those people who did not return a survey     
    and those people who did (because of the lab reorganization). We also 
    decided we need to add email and people's occupational fields to the 

It was decided that the board would divide up only the list of people who 
    did not return a survey to find out if they had received one, if not 
    whether they were interested in filling one out. 
We also will deal with the issue of unpaid dues after we update the list 
    of members who have paid.

It was agreed that we need to start breaking up issues into subtasks in 
    order to get something accomplished. Meeting once every two weeks for 
    an hour just doesn't seem to be enough. The EYH conference showed that 
    it is possible to do get a lot accomplished.

The board decided it needed to start up again gatherings/talks that would 
    involve the membership. Susan suggested have something for the membership 
    at least once every two months. We decided to have a social gathering/
    networking talk/exercise in two months (we need time to organize). June 
    22nd was set for that. Karen and Jo will try to find an expert speaker 
    on networking. Networking was chosen because many respondents to the 
    surveys stated that they were a member because of the networking. Guess 
    we had better get something set up and help people out on this.

    The talk is to be held during the lunch time in Side room(s) ? - Karen
    will schedule rooms. The lunch is to be a catered buffet for a fee.

    Before this talk, we need to compile our own membership booklet to
    hand out to the LAWIS members to help with their networking. 
    The booklets can then be mailed out to those who did not attend.

Karen will start to compile a list of ideas for talks/presenters. If anyone 
    has any ideas they will email them to Karen. Several ideas were discussed: 
    stress management, dependent care, financial planning.

Two months after the Networking talk we will have a summer picnic. It is 
    tentatively set for Aug 5th. Karen will see the Camber of Commerce to 
    see if anything is going on in the County on that day. Karen will see 
    about reserving Urban park (a better facility in case of rain, etc) now.

Two months from the summer picnic will be the beginning of the next 
    membership year. We will have our own "Annual Meeting" get together 
    separate from the Network. We don't believe many would come to the 
    Network Annual Meeting because it is held somewhere other that Los Alamos.

Denise brought up the topic of Voice Mail. It is possible to create a mail box
    that includes a list of phone numbers. One can then send a message to
    all the phone numbers at the same time. When membership info/dues are 
    updated, we will bring this issue up again. Would be a great asset to
    voice mail out (instead of or along with flyer) announcements.

Jo brought up the topic of the Diversity Group meetings that the Lab is 
    holding currently. Jo asked for the WIS to be included on their mailing 
    list so that we are included in their discussions. Jo also asked for them
    to allow one of our board members to be on their steering committee. 
    Jo will attend the next Diversity Group meeting tomorrow to see what
    is being discussed.

There was also some discussion about the "Bring your daughters to work" day
    the Lab is sponsoring in October. 

Next meeting will be around noon on Wednesday May 4th. Karen will arrange 
    the room and send us all out notices. 

        **  Agenda items for May 4th Steering Committee Meeting  **

Replacement of one more board member

Update/contact membership

Create a membership booklet

Summarize the survey's last two questions

Decide what the LAWIS "product" is 

Bylaws  (should be a subtask)
    - approval of changes
    - update board member duties
    - WIS name change
    - membership approval of changes


Setting up Voice Mail mail box for WIS membership

    - More Publicity

Mentoring/Aid UNM Coop program with UNM-LA

Talk about DOE study

(*)*(*)   Written:  4/21/94 by Deborah Kubicek - WIS Secretary  (*)*(*)