MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF September 7, 1994 Members of the steering committee met in Room E228 of the Otowi Building. Attending members were: Lois Dauelsberg Deborah Kubicek Denise George Susan Roach Shirley Herrera Karen Schultz Paige Jo Irwin Trish Wright Discussion of problems of a dual careered marriages. Need to add this topic to our list of possible talks. October Los Alamos WIS Annual Membership meeting is set for Monday Oct 17th. Lynda was not present to give an update. Next Newsletter: Will be mailed out on Wednesday Sept. 28th. Topics and people responsible to get the information to Leslie are listed below. The deadline to get things to Leslie is Wed. Sept. 21st. Membership dues for the '94 - '95 year and update information sheet (Deb) Mail-in ballot for voting for new steering committee members (Susan) LA WIS Annual Meeting (Shirley/Lynda) Summary of Alicia's August Talk (Denise) President's Note (Jo) Wendee Brunish's talk: Jo will get the necessary information into the bulletin. Karen will write up a notice and send to Denise for posting to lanl.women. Karen will make a flier. She will then mail out the flier to everyone on the board. The other present board members will make copies. The copies will be sent to Deborah. Deborah will mail them out by Thurs. Sept. 15th. Shirley will get Deborah the PC floppy disk that has the mailing addresses on it. The mailing list to be used is the same one used for the survey sent out. Nominating Committee Summary: Call for nominations is going slow. Two people are definites, 4 people said to ask again next year, and Susan's committee has several others in mind. Nomination ballots need to be out to members no later than Oct 1st. (2 weeks before Annual Meeting). The ballots need to be back by 3 days before Annual Meeting to allow time to count ballots. Jo received a letter from Kathleen Funk and Betty Strietelmeier (CST) about a Group Leader position that is opening up. She would like it if the LAWIS would get the word out to its membership. Lois will take the memo, Xerox, put labels on, and mail out to the membership by Fri Sept. 9th. Thanks Lois! It was suggested to send these two women applications to join the LAWIS. Treasurer '93 - '94 Account Audit: Lois will contact Mary Jo Lundy about possibly auditing our accounts in exchange for a LAWIS annual membership. She will contact Mary Jo as soon as she is able to get the books in order. Discussion of the scholarship fund. Suggestion for next year: scholarship committee needed. Susan will contact Alicia to let her know that we are giving her a LAWIS annual membership for her talk. The next Steering Committee Meeting will be Wed. October 5th. We will not meet twice in September because of the EYH meeting on Sept. 20th. Jo will make arrangements and send out announcements. ************************************************************* ** Agenda items for Oct. 5th Steering Committee Meeting ** ************************************************************* Membership Application Packet - done and sent out to many people What about LAWIS getting a post office box? Costs $17.50 / 6 mo. (small box) October Los Alamos WIS Annual Membership meeting Update End of Year summary from each board member Treasurer accounts audit Assignment of board members to '94 - '95 positions Membership information subgroup status (Shirley/Lois/Deborah/Denise) - where and how to get to - what form / fields - Repository of all necessary computer stuff: membership info/database, mailing labels, letter head, membership applications, etc. ************************** ** Other Agenda items ** ************************** Find out who is in the Northern Chapter of NMNWSE but NOT in the LAWIS's database. Then send those people application/information sheets. '94 - '95 Membership Booklet First Newsletter of the year possible contents - President's "Corner" - Welcome to new members - Commitment to keeping membership informed - New Membership Booklet - Quarterly (if not more often) Newsletters - We want you more involved - Announcement of new board members (possibly hand out sheet the board uses) - Posting of Board Meeting Minutes on Gopher/Mosaic - Summary of all '94 - '95 Events - EYH Update - November/December/January? plans - Summary of Network Annual Meeting - Treasurer's Report - '94 - '95 Proposed Budget - Misc. article? Bylaws - approval of changes by membership - WIS name change? Summarize the survey's last two questions Setting up Voice Mail mailbox for WIS membership Mentoring/Aid UNM Coop program with UNM-LA Talk about DOE study (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*)*(*) Written: 9/08/94 by Deborah Kubicek - WIS Secretary (*)*(*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)