MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF October 5, 1994 Members of the steering committee met in Side Room A of the Otowi Building. Attending members were: Lois Dauelsberg Shirley Herrera Deborah Kubicek Susan Roach Karen Schultz Paige Lynda Towers Trish Wright Wendee Brunish Wendee Brunish's talk Had a great turnout. Probably over 50 women. Suggestion that next time we should bring the LAWIS Membership form to all our sponsored activities. Membership Application Packet Done and sent out to many people. Already several new members have joined. Newsletter Sent out. Suggestion that try to double side as much as possible to help in our part of reducing waste. What about LAWIS getting a post office box? Costs $17.50 / 6 mo. (small box) This issue was discussed and it was decided that it would be too much of an inconvenience for someone to have to check the mailbox often. The return labels that get sent out on outside mailings will have to be tailored each time depending on who is sending the mailing out. October Los Alamos WIS Annual Membership meeting Update Pretty much organized: setup for LA INN from 11:30 to 1:30 Mon. Oct 17th. Karen will do the ice breaker. Lynda will do the introduction of dede. The head table will seat the speaker (dede) and the past board members. Lynda will get a plant for the head table for decoration and to give to dede for speaking. We will have a table for membership in order to take applications/dues and to answer any questions. Trish and Susan will man that table. Lynda will see about making a program. Deborah bring name tags. End of Year summary from each board member Deborah has only received two of these! PLEASE get them to her by Oct 17th (at the Annual Meeting). Treasurer '93 - '94 Account Audit: Lois will contact Mary Jo Lundy about possibly auditing our accounts in exchange for a LAWIS annual membership. She will contact Mary Jo as soon as she is able to get the books in order. The name on the account will be changed from Women in Science to LA Women in Science/NMNWSE. This will help with the cashing of checks made out to both. In order to make this change, Lois needs some kind of proof of association with the NMNWSE. Deborah will send her a copy of the Newsletter where that change was announced. The account should probably have three names on it: Treasurer of LAWIS, Treasurer of EYH, and a back up for the LAWIS Treasurer (President?). When the board positions are filled Lois will get the signature card to pass around for the new people to sign. Assignment of board members to '94 - '95 positions It was found out that the new board positions have to be filled by a vote from the board members. We therefore have to wait until the new board is determined. We will try to hold a VERY quick board meeting directly following the Annual meeting in order to elect officers. Lynda is thinking of accepting the position of Membership for the Network. if she does, we need to find someone else who will the the liaison for the NMNWSE from the Northern Chapter. They probably meet quarterly. Wendee mentioned that the Employee Advisory Council (EAC) has been formed to help make recommendations to its sponsor Jim Jackson about Laboratory concerns. Wendee is the Chair of that committee so you can take concerns to her. Try to get this out as an announcement in our next Newsletter. Wendee needs articles on Women's studies mostly having to do with how they juggle all aspects of their life. If you have any articles about women's studies please get them to Wendee by the end of the week. There are several members on the board who are interested in certain board positions for next year: President - Deborah; Vice-president - Karen; Treasurer - Trish; Membership - Denise; Newsletter - Susan Deborah received a call from Chris Olivara from the Science Museum. The museum is putting on a program called High Tech Halloween on Oct 29th. He was interested in us supporting this event in some way. He suggested a donation of money, getting a cow for them to allow kids to dismember, or volunteers of time. Denise had suggested earlier to him about one of our members doing a "slim making" presentation. The board felt the cow thing was out of the question. The board also felt that the Museum probably has more money than the LAWIS, so no donations of money. Two suggestions were made: Have Chris contact Kathleen Ramsey for an animal to dismember and an offer of one of our member's time for the slim making presentation. Deborah will call Chris back with these suggestions. Deborah received a request from a women in NIS/DO for our membership list. She felt very hesitant about allowing that out so she asked what it was needed it for. The woman needed a list of LAWIS people who were in NIS Division. A list was mailed to her containing only LANL specific information (Phone #, MS, group). It was agreed by the board that we should not be giving out our membership list. Requests should be considered carefully and our members should be guaranteed some sort of confidentiality. Deborah received a thank out note from Alicia about the talk she gave. Attached was a list of courses she offers at the Santa Fe Community College. She said she would be willing to make them into lectures if we would like to have her speak again. Find out who is in the Northern Chapter of NMNWSE but NOT in the LAWIS's database. Then send those people application/information sheets. Deborah found one and is trying to get a hold of NMNWSE's membership person in order to get her address. The next Steering Committee Meeting will be Tue. November 1st at Jo's home. Notices will be sent out to all 94-95 board members when the new board is determined. There will be a brief meeting after the Annual Meeting in order to elect officers. ************************************************************* ** Agenda items for Nov. 1st Steering Committee Meeting ** ************************************************************* Get to know one another Position description discussion Annual calendar/budget proposal '94 - '95 Membership Booklet - sub-committee to organize headed by the Membership person Late notices for dues First Newsletter of the year possible contents - Announcement of new board members (possibly hand out sheet the board uses) - Article from Newsbulletin - section about new Employee Advisory Committee Second Newsletter of the year possible contents - President's "Corner" - Welcome to new members - Commitment to keeping membership informed - New Membership Booklet - Quarterly (if not more often) Newsletters - We want you more involved - Posting of Board Meeting Minutes on Gopher/Mosaic - Summary of all '94 - '95 Events - EYH Update - November/December/January? plans - Summary of Network Annual Meeting - Treasurer's Report - '94 - '95 Proposed Budget - Misc. article? Membership information subgroup status (Shirley/Lois/Deborah/Denise) - where and how to get to - what form / fields - Repository of all necessary computer stuff: membership info/database, mailing labels, letter head, membership applications, etc. Bylaws - approval of changes by membership - WIS name change? Setting up Voice Mail mailbox for WIS membership Mentoring/Aid UNM Coop program with UNM-LA Talk about DOE study? (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*)*(*) Written: 10/07/94 by Deborah Kubicek - WIS Secretary (*)*(*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)