March 23, 1995 To: LAWIS Steering Committee From: Kathryn Strong, HR T&D, Secretary Re: LAWIS Steering Committee Meeting March 23, 1995 The LAWIS Steering Committee met in Otowi E228. Those attending were Deborah Kubicek, Karen Schultz Paige, Denise George, Trish Wright, Shirley Herrera, Wendee Brunish, and Kathryn Strong. The next meeting will be the week of April 3, 1995; Karen will arrange a room and precise date. Review of Past Projects. Luncheon: The Feb 14, 1995 Alicia Lauritzen presented a talk entitled "Wintertine, Darktime, Dreamtime: Embracing the Dark Side of the Soul." Approximately 25 people attended the LA Inn luncheon. Comments on the talk were very positive but the menu was perceived as just adequate. Science Fair: The Science Fair was judged by Denise George and Wendee Brunish. Eight gift certificates to the Otowi Book store were given out: 1 Grand prize for $25, a 2nd prize of $15 and six 3rd prizes of $10. EYH: Shirley reported on EYH which had an excellent attendance of 100 students thanks to lots of last minute phone calls coordinated by Denise George. Overall the program went smoothly with name tags being the largest problem. A celebration dinner will be held for all those who participated. The date is still to be arranged. Television: Karen previewed the KNME-TV Discovering Women tapes March 18, 1995. The 6 hours to be aired March 29-April 12, 1995 appear to be excellent. These will be taped and put in the WIS library along the Critical Mass Tape copied from Carol Wilkenson's tape. Position Reports Treasury: We still need one other person to audit the books. Mary Jo Lundy has done this for one signature and has been given a free membership in return. There is confusion over $625 dollars that Susan Roach deposited. Trish will look into this. There is also confusion on whether we need to file a State Corporation Commission report or whether we are included in the NMNWSE charter as a subchapter. Programs: The report on the Working Women survey mailed to all LANL female employees is complete. A noon time presentation is planned with Wendee Brunish leading the discussion. Over 1000 Laboratory women completed the survey. Results will be published in the WIS Newsletter and on internet. In addition a one page summary will be available at the presentation with a sign up sheet for employees who want copies but are not able to access the internet. Two sessions, 16 people each, are planned with Rosalie Multari doing a demonstration on women's self defense. A $5.00 cover charge will be asked. Rosalie will get a free membership. Dorothy Hoard is planning on giving a nature walk probably in June. Membership: Due to a down computer, membership numbers and the booklet are on hold. "Who We Are" brochure is ready for duplication. We will try to get paper for that from the NMNWSE. Newsletter: The next newsletter will come out in April. All submittals are due to Susan Roach Monday April 3. Diversity: A draft strategic plan has been completed by Nick Ovalle's Office and will be circulated for comment. Stakeholder meetings that were conducted by Sig Hecker brought diversity issues to his attention, especially at the Espanola meeting Feb 28, 1995. The LLC Resource Working Group will be having a series of focus group discussions on employee issues. Heidi Hahn is in charge. There is a training video which will be made on diversity. New Business: Donations: We need to form a policy on who we donate money to. A quorum is needed. A request from the YMCA has made this need apparent. UNM-LA Mentorship Program: Following a WIS presentation by Jo and Deborah, twenty-one women covered in a UNM-LA grant program have requested a mentor. Twenty-four signed up with WIS members. These women will get a free student WIS membership.