Minutes for the October 11 meeting of the Board for LAWIS,
NMNWSE-Northern Chapter.

The meeting was held at Deborah Kubicek's house.  Attendees were
Denise George, Karen Schultz Paige, Trish Wright, Ginger Young,
Deborah Kubicek.  This was not a large enough number of new Board
members to constitute a quorum and therefore no official votes were

Because a quorum was not present, it was impossible to vote on
positions for next year.  Therefore, we agreed to conduct an
electronic vote for those positions requiring a vote including
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  We did
recommend the following people for those positions, in order: Karen
Schultz Paige, Wendee Brunish, Trish Wright, Ginger Young.  An
electronic vote was conducted by Karen and seven members voted
for the recommended slate.  Karen carried this list of new positions
to the State Annual Meeting as our chapter's representative.  The
other positions will be determined at the next meeting of the Board,
to take place November 8.  The outstanding positions to be filled
include State liaison, Public Relations, EYH chair, and Newsletter.  All
agreed that State liaison could be a rotating position so that one
person isn't required to travel excessively.

We decided that a newsletter should be sent out soon, probably in
November, to update the membership on the new board and the
Annual Meeting and future activities for 1996.

Karen agreed to take four boxes of archival information and deliver
them to the State Archivist.  This is dede Collins for 1996 and she
received the boxes willingly.