The LAWIS Steering Committee met in Otowi E128 on December 12, 1995.

Those attending were Deborah Kubicek, Karen Schultz Paige, Shirley Herrera,
Trish Wright, and Ginger Young.

The next meeting will be held in January.  Karen will arrange the room
 and the precise time.

Agenda Items:

1. Trish Will present a summary of the discussion at the Dec. 9 State
Board meeting.

Yolanda has asked for names of all of the EYH sponsors for the coming
year.  She wants the names so that there will not be a duplication for
requesting of EYH funds.  Shirley will give Trish the sponsors we used
last year, and Trish will pass the list on.  As soon as we get a sponsor
who is not on that list, we will forward the information to Yolanda.

The discussion of the brochure: Surveying Your Future came up.  This
document has been in dede's hands to revise it to a new addition.
They can not find the latest two disks with the revisions and wanted
to know if our chapter could help revise the brochure.  dede and
Yolanda were revising the brochure, it's their issue.  Karen suggested
that we do not get involved in this problem and the rest agreed.

The State Board wants a EYH budget from us.  To give them a budget
so early we decided to give them last year's budget.  Shirley will give
Karen last year's budget before the Feb. meeting.

Membership is an issue.  Karen has given them a check for our
current membership dues, we are waiting to be reimbursed our
portion of the funds.  Trish thought she received the funds and
place them into the account. Karen believes the funds would
come to her, and she did not receive a check.  Deborah suggested
the check Trish had was from last year's membership.  Trish
will look at the accounts and see what happened.

We also decided to send the state board information and dues for
new members every two months.

2. Discuss the details of our next membership activity, the holiday
stress relief chair massage sessions organized by Trish, and
plan a technical talk for January.

There are six people signed up for the massage.  We decided to
open the sessions to friends at the cost of $11 per 15 minute
massage.  To find out which slots are available call Trish.

We briefly discussed whether or not we should have more fun
activities or technical discussions.  We decided to do things
that interested the people who attend the meetings and
anything that people would like to organize.

The next activity we would like to get Maureen Hudson to
give a talk on Gems.  Ginger will try to get in touch with
Maureen to ask her if she would like to do this.

3.  Continue the debate on honorary memberships, addressing
the question: should we have an information only membership
for Sig?

This was postponed for the next meeting.

4. Decide if LAWIS should register as an Employee Interest Group.
Karen is torn whether we should be a part of this group.  Mostly,
we are afraid that we would not get recognition because some
of our activities might be considered contrary to the Interest
Group's rules.

Also no one understands the benefit belonging to this
organization, besides getting meeting space and getting
information published in the News Bulletin.  We already
get meeting space.

We decided to shelve this discussion until Wendee, Bonnie,
and Kay come to a meeting.

5. Summary of EYH.

Five people came to this meeting.  Things are progressing.

Joyce will send out EYH meeting minutes.

6. Ask Deborah about membership discrepancies.

Deborah needs a list of members from the State Board.
Whoever goes to the next Board meeting should try and
get the list.

Karen wanted to know what happened to a couple of members.
Deborah stated that the printed labels she gave Karen
have all of last year's paying members.  If a member did not
pay last year they are not on the lists.

7. Discuss involvement in AAUW Women's History Month

They need to have information of talks/volunteers for this by
Dec. 15.  The scheduled activities for this would be held in

We all decided that it was too close to EYH and that trying
to do both is stretching our resources too thin.  We all
decided that it would be nice, but we could not participate.