Subject:                               Time:15:34
  OFFICE MEMO          LAWIS Meeting 4/4                      Date:4/4/96

The LAWIS Steering Committee met in Otowi E128 on April 4, 1996.

Those attending were Wendee Brunish, Joyce Guzik, Shirley Herrera,
Libby Jones, Deborah Kubicek, Karen Schultz Paige, Lynda Towers,
Bonnie Yantis,  and Ginger Young.

The next meeting will be held on May 8.  Karen will arrange the room.

Agenda Items:

1.  Shirley and Joyce will summarize the EYH conference.
A follow-up meeting is planned for next week.

A formal report needs to be submitted to the State.  Generally,
the report contains number of girls attended, any strange problems,
what worked, and what did not work.

There was a problem with the number of interpreters for the deaf.
Only one was available, there should have been two.  Three interpreters
would have been very nice.  There were six deaf students and one
deaf teacher.  It was a shame they had to stay together, the group
was evenly split on wanting to go to two different activities.
The students were very enthusiastic and enjoyed themselves.

A couple of students became stranded at one location when the
shuttle left.  A van had to be found to pick them up.  Next year
providing a van would eliminate this problem.

The tower building went very well.

The evaluations were very good.  The workshops all had positive
evaluations.  Another hit was the stress management for the adults.

Having EYH at the end of March was perfect timing for the
actual function as well as providing enough time to plan
for the function.  The planning started in January after the
holiday rush.

2. Ginger will discuss our next activity.
Maureen Hudson just came back from an extended trip to Arizona.
She will call Ginger within the next week to schedule a talk.
Maureen is giving a talk to a couple of other groups and needs
to find her props and look at her schedule.

It was decided to have the talk on a Friday with the field trip on
the following Saturday.  The talk will be around lunch time with
attendees bringing their own lunch.

Ginger will send out a flyer, Deborah will send Ginger a list
of members.

Wendee will help by reserving a room.

3. The Northern Chapter has been requested to find a replacement
    for the position of State Board Secretary, now that Ellen
    Overton has left.  We need to do this relatively quickly.
There were no volunteers from those who attended.  A note
will be placed in the newsletter for a volunteer.

Bonnie thought that Pat Nichols might be interested in the
position and will ask.

4. Deborah will update us on our membership and whether our
   membership role matches the State's.
Deborah has mailed  duplicate requested forms and a membership
list to Wyona.  She asked Wyona to contact Deborah if there were
any problems and send a copy of the master data base.
Deborah has not been contacted nor has she received a list.  Deborah
is planning to talk to Wyona at the next State board meeting to
get an updated master data base as well as clear up any remaining
issue concerning membership.

Our membership total is fifty members in which five are honorary.

5. We need to get a newsletter out soon.  Bonnie will determine
   when she can get a newsletter out and whether we have the
   most up-to-date membership for mailing the newsletter out.
   We also need people to submit things to the newsletter.
Bonnie can publish a newsletter on April 15.  She needs all
articles to be submitted to her by April 13.  Please only send
her ASCII text.

Shirley or Joyce will submit a summary of EYH highlights.

Ginger will submit a blurb on Maureen Hudson's upcoming
talk on fossils.

Deborah will submit information on the Annual Meeting.

Karen will provide a president's letter and ask for any
volunteers for the State Board secretary position.

6. Deborah will update us on the progress of planning for
   the Annual Meeting.
This committee meets once a month.
The date for the Annual meeting is Oct. 18-20.

Ann Mauzy and her mother have accomplished finding a
hotel and a speaker.

State Representative Liz Stefanics will be our keynote
speaker on Friday.

The hotel is
        Fort Marcy Compound (Santa Fe Accommodations)
                $128/da for 1 bedroom, 1 bath  suite (2 people)
                $165/da for two-bedroom, two bath suite (4 people)
                $251/da three bedroom/ 2.5 bath suites (6 people)
                complimentary meeting rooms
                complimentary Continental bkfst

7. A delegate needs to go to the State Board meeting to be
   held in Albq. on  April 13.
Deborah is going to the State board meeting.  She will have
Karen's proxy.

Lynda will make certain that Deborah has directions on how
to get to the meeting.

8. Decide on our surplus overhead projector.
The decision was to revisit this issue after the Annual Meeting.

9. Continue to debate on honorary memberships, addressing
   the question: should we have an information only membership
   for Sig?
The decision was made that there will be an information only
membership.  The information only members will receive our
chapter's newsletter, they will not have a State membership
status, nor membership rates for any activities.

The information only membership will be given to Pete Miller
and Sig.