Subject:                               Time:15:19
  OFFICE MEMO          May 8 Meeting notes - re send          Date:6/19/96

The LAWIS Steering Committee met in Otowi E128 on May 8, 1996.

Those attending were Deborah Kubicek, Karen Schultz Paige, Libby Jones,
Diane Albert,  and Ginger Young.

The next meeting will be held on June 18.  Karen will arrange the room.

Agenda Items:

1.  Ginger Will discuss the attendance at Maureen Hudson's talk.

The attendance was very low.  Only three members showed up for
the talk, and three non-members were present.  For the hike, two
members were present and two non members were present.

We may want to open the talks up to the public if they are brown
bag discussions.  A little advertising via the lab's email and the
Monitor may also help.

2.  Deborah will present notes from the last State Board meeting
she attended.  She will also update us on the status of the Annual

                        The April 20th State Board Meeting

1) The Northern Chapter and state Membership databases are now
    in sync! Yeh!

2) The state board is looking for someone to be the policies & procedures
   chair. This person would bee looking at updating the policies and
   procedures/position responsibilities for the board positions. This
   person would also need to look at, explain, and maybe get in writing
   the policy on who is and is not a board member, who is allowed to fill
   Chair positions (board members only or anyone?), and if specific At-Large
   board positions are used to fill specific chair positions. People from the
   Northern Chapter that were suggested are: dede Collins and Georgia Fritz.
   Deborah is contacting these people for a volunteer.

3) Elections are coming up and Kelli Livermore is asking for each chapter
   to poll its members for at least one person from each chapter to volunteer
   to be on the state board next year. (Southern Chapter is responsible for
   finding someone to be the Vice-President/President Elect). Deborah has left
   a message for Bonnie to see if it could go out in the Newsletter. If it
   can not, we may have to send out a separate call for volunteers.

4) A new committee has been formed to deal with the Surveying Your Future
   booklet. The committee will decide whether it is worth it to update the
   booklet, what it would require and cost, and take care of the details
   of updating it. The committee consists of Deborah Kubicek (chair) and
   Adrienne Dare (State EYH Chair).

5) Libby Haas (NMNWSE President) brought up the need for more recognition of
   board members effort and time spent. The board approved the usage of funds
   to produce certificates and letters to bosses.

6) Membership Chair says for this up-coming year she plans to send out
   the membership application FILLED out with the info she has in the
   data base. That way people do not have to fill out a new one every
   year, and it should be a good way to verify the data in the database.

7) Still trying to get a State Board listing. Libby says she will get me
   one. I'll bug her till it arrives!

              Annual Meeting Committee Meeting Report

  At the April 23rd meeting we assigned a person to start
creating the Registration Form (Alexine), someone to work
on the Call for Papers Form (Ginger), and someone to help
out Ann with Facilities as a backup just in case (Alexine).

  Ann is still working on getting a Storyteller for our Sat.
evening entertainment.

  We talked about spending (because I have to submit a budget
at the next board meeting). We have been allotted $250 in the
state budget. Things we need money for will be printing,
programs, folders, name tags, etc. We talked about having
NMNWSE lapel pins made (not only for the Annual Meeting but
for the entire organization). I am looking into that. The
Registration fees will be set to pay for all meals and snacks.
I am waiting for information from Kelly Bitner about last year's
Annual Meeting to see if there is something else we need to
include in the registration fees.

  Other things I am to do: get an electronic form of the NMNWSE
logo: Carol Ladelfe has this and is sending out to Ginger, Alexine,
and I. Find out how Carol Ladelfe wants the Registration and
Call for Papers send to her (hardcopy, on floppy, or what): she
would like these to be in Microsoft Word format on a floppy if
possible.  I also need to find out who we need to send the Call
for Papers and Registration forms out to (NMNWSE members and
whom else?): not done yet waiting for news from Central Chapter.
Our next meeting will be the week of May 20th.

Another idea is to give out lapel pins.  Deborah will write up a
proposal to give to the State Board , so they can vote and approve
of funds to create the stamp for the pins.  We may also want to
give tokens to the speakers.  The tokens being key chains, mugs,

3. Bonnie will report on the newsletter, which I thought was sent
    out in April.

Bonnie was not present at the meeting.  Karen will contact
Bonnie to find out what happened to the newsletter.

4. We need to have a chairperson for the Summer Picnic.  The park
has been reserved but other details need attention.

Karen will e-mail to see if anyone would like to chair this

5. Please think of future membership activities for the summer.
Maybe we want to have fewer activities because so many people
are on vacation in the summer.

The next activity planned is the Summer Picnic.

6. Women's Diversity.

Diane is a member of this board and is the secretary.  The board meets
 every two weeks.  They started by creating a charter.

Diane does feel that the board does cover the diversity of the Lab.
The group is interested in looking into the following issues: Mentors
(each other as well as younger women), Career Development with in
the Lab, and glass ceiling issues and upward mobility.