Minutes for the Los Alamos Women in Science Steering Committee meeting held on Friday, August 8 at noon in Room E228 of the Otowi Building. Attending were Wendee Brunish, Karen Schultz Paige, Deborah Kubicek, Libby Jones, Trish Wright. The first item of business was discussion of the amount of money that LAWIS should donate to the Georgia Fritz Memorial Scholarship fund at UNM-LA.. Trish gave us a treasurer's report that indicated that LAWIS has 3000$. Trish suggested donating 500$ in the name of Georgia. The amount was voted on and passed unanimously. Trish will send a check to UNM-LA. The next item of business is the impending vote on new members for the steering committee. Karen volunteered to be the Nominations Committee Chairperson. She will find two other members to help with nominations although some thought that nominations could largely be completed by one person. Karen will send a membership-wide email to call for nominations. Deborah has an alias on her machine that anyone can use. It is WIS-members@klaatu.lanl.gov. If there are not enough volunteers, the nominations committee will call people directly. Once the nominees have been identified, a ballot will be sent out through the mail. Deborah will provide address labels to Karen and Karen will mail the ballots. The winners will be announced at the local Annual Meeting. Committee members stepping down this year include Bonnie Yantis, Deborah Kubicek, and Shirley Herrera. We presumed that Shirley will be stepping down but Karen will confirm this with Shirley. Wendee Brunish and Libby Jones would like to step down but are willing to remain on the committee if not enough nominees are identified. Wendee gave us an update on the local Annual meeting. It will be held at Central Avenue Grill on Sept. 18 from 11:45 to 1:00. Elizabeth Aiello will be speaking about the highlights and contributions that Georgia Fritz made to our organization, particularly in the early days. Tickets, printed by Deborah, will be used to keep track of attendance. Probably a choice of three entrees will be given. Karen will find out if we can announce and possibly invite the Georgia Fritz scholarship winner. Deborah updated us on the State Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting Committee did not meet at all during the summer. We did just have a meeting August 1st though. Ann Mauzy has found us a storyteller for our Saturday evening entertainment. Her name is Maureena Manyfingers, who is a Yakima/Cowlitze Native American. Dede Collins will be soliciting Packards in Santa Fe for her fees. Packards is "the most reliable Indian Arts and Crafts store in Santa Fe for 35+ years". We need to find out why the July Newsletter did not go out. If it will not go out within the next week, we will have to send the registration and Call for Papers forms out ourselves. Lapel pins and key chains have been ordered and should be ready by the first of September. Alexine Salazar will begin collecting material to go inside the registration packets. Alexine will also be designing and creating the name tags. Wyona Turner has agreed to have a person at the registration table (either herself or a volunteer) to collect renewal membership dues, new member dues, and answer any questions people might have about the NMNWSE. Deborah Kubicek will be creating the Agenda for the conference with help from the other committee members. Ann Mauzy will be designing and creating the Program. We have decided to dedicate the Annual meeting to Georgia Fritz. We may have a poster about her (if we get someone to agree to put this together). We will be scheduling a period of time for people to meet, go through Georgia's Women in Science boxes, and reminisce about her. We will also have a formal presentation at the beginning of the conference Friday about Georgia and why we are dedicating the meeting to her. Speaker to be determined. Deborah also updated us on the most recent meeting of the State Board. The State agreed to donate 100$ to the Georgia Fritz Memorial. Deborah has agreed to help audit the State's books before the Annual Meeting since she is going to be their Treasurer. Rachel Pitts, the current Treasurer, Deborah, Libby Haas, current president, and Lynda Towers, president-elect will create a future budget to be voted on at the annual meeting. Kelly Bitner will be president-elect next year. Karen Schultz Paige