Subject: LAWIS Meeting 10-15-96

Date:10/17/96 Time:8:04


The LAWIS Steering Committee met in at Wendee's house on October 15, 1996.

Those attending were Deborah Kubicek, Karen Schultz Paige, Wendee Brunish,
Amy Anderson, Carol Ladelfe, Margo Clark, Trish Wright, and Ginger Young.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 19.
Karen will arrange the room, and send e-mail regarding the next meeting.

Agenda Items:

  1. The members of the 1996-1997 NMNWSE Northern Chapter Committee are:
    Diane Albert, Amy Anderson, Margo Clark, Tinka Gammel, Joyce Guzik, Libby Jones, Carol Ladelfe, Karen Shultz Paige, Trish Wright, and Ginger Young.
  2. Organizing positions: Trish made the motion that the following women will hold these positions:
    President - Karen
    Vice Pres.- Margo
    Treasurer - Trish
    Secretary - Ginger
    The motion was second by Amy. All voted in favor of this motion.
    Trish made the motion the if Libby or Diane were willing to be President,
    they could replace Karen.
    The motion was second by Ginger. All voted in favor of this motion.
    The position will be filled as the following:
    President - Karen
    Vice Pres. - Margo
    Treasurer - Trish
    Secretary - Ginger
    Membership - Carol
    Newsletter - Unfilled
    EYH - Joyce
    Members-at-large - Amy, Diane, Libby, Tinka
  3. Honorary Members.
    Sig and Jackson will be given Associate Membership. Associate Membership
    members receive all of our news and bulletins, but they do not play an
    active role or have voting powers. Both gentlemen will receive a cover
    letter informing them if they wish to become active members we will give
    them Honorary Memberships.
    We will renew the Honorary Memberships for Kathleen Ramsey and
    Colleen Olinger. Kathleen is an active participant in EYH, while
    Colleen has always donated gift certificates from Ottowi Station.
    We will not renew the Honorary Membership for Mary Jo Lundy. We will
    obtain another person to audit our books. Wendee volunteered to audit
    the books with Cindy Seevers. Karen will Mary Jo an application form
    and a small note.
    Carol will send out the honorary and associate member forms and the cover
    letters to Kathleen, Colleen, Sig, and Jackson.
    Deborah is going to follow up the State's process on the Honorary Memberships
    to make certain that our chapter will be reimbursed a portion of the funds.
  4. Notes for the next meeting.
    Karen will set up the next meeting unless Diane or Libby take over as
    President. The next meeting should start organizing the Holiday Party
    and help EYH get started with organizing that function.
  5. Misc.
    Wendee had a folder for the Science awards. This folder will be given
    to a member-at-large. Every year we have participated in the Science Fair.