LAWIS Board Meeting
June 11,1998
Amy Anderson , J. Margo Clark, Tinka Gammel, Joyce Guzik,
Carol LaDelfe, Cas Mason , Alexine Salazar, and Jennifer
Siders. Guests in attendance were Dede Collins and Rebecca Lafave.
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 am by J.
Margo Clark, president of LAWIS.
Summer Picnic
Dede Collins volunteered to be in charge of arrangements for the summer
picnic. She will get back to the steering committee in terms of
best dates and locations. (Later addition: the picnic will be
held July 10, 1998, 11:30-1:30 pm, at Ashley Pond.)
Your Kids to Work Day” August 13, 1998 . There was discussion
regarding whether our organization wanted to sponsor specific
events or simply to participate through their divisions. This issue
was left to individual members.
are needed for panel discussion “Regarding Careers in Math, Engineering,
Computer Sciences and Related Tech Fields”, UNM LA July 27,
1998. A good response has been obtained since nine people
have already volunteered.
List Discussion. Tinka has been updating the web site and
increasing the number of linkages to related sites.
5. Raffle Tickets for sale. Jennifer
Siders and other steering committee members have been selling raffle
tickets to win either of two quilts that were donated to help defray
expenses associated with the LAWIS career booklet. Several more
tickets were sold at the meeting. The drawing will take place at
the Technical Symposium and Annual Meeting, October 23-25, 1998.
6. New Mexico Network of Women in Science
& Engineering (NMNWSE) State Board Meeting, Silver City June 20,
1998. Steering committee members were encouraged to attend
and form car pools. J. Margo Clark , Jennifer Siders, and Carol LaDelfe
plan to attend.
7. Stored Pictures. Tinka informed the group that
Denise George had notified her that several boxes of pictures related to
LAWIS were in her possession. Tinka addressed this issue more
thoroughly on our web site.
8. Maria Mitchell Association’s Women in Science Award.
The award honors an individual or organization that encourages girls and
women in pursuing careers in science and technology. The
winner will receive a cash award of $5,000. Although we missed the
March 15, 1998, deadline for awards on October 1, 1998, our members are
encouraged to think ahead for nominations for next year’s March 1999
9. Jennifer Siders announced she would be
moving to California in August. The LAWIS steering committee will
need to find a replacement for Jennifer as Vice President and the State
Board of NMNWSE will need to replace her in the role of secretary.
The meeting was adjourned at 12 noon in order to hear our
speaker, Jeanne Fair of EES- 15.
Submitted by
Cas Mason, Secretary