LAWIS MINUTES - 2/10/99 (approved) The Los Alamos Women in Science Steering Committee met in the LANL cafeteria on Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 7:15a.m. Members present were Ann Mauzy, Margo Clark, Amy Anderson, Sharon Thomas, Susana Delano, Angelique Neuman, Janie Enter, Mary Steincipher-Campbell, Huyen N. Dinh, Trish Wright, Cass Mason, Alexine Salazar, and Tinka Gammel. * Treasurer's Report: Trish talked to Ginger Young. Ginger is in process of finding someone to audit the books. Trish suggested that Ginger contact dede Collins. Trish said she believes that we have a good balance of funds. * Membership Report: Susana said she had a very good training session with Carol LaDelfe via e-mail. Discussion of software Susana will need to perform functions of the Membership Chair. Susana had a question of how to identify active and inactive members. Suggestion made that she contact the State Treasurer, Claudia Lewis. Once Susana has an updated list of members, she will begin to contact members who have not paid their dues. * Report on State Board meeting: Neither Angelique nor Margo attended the State meeting. Angelique said she was aware that judges are needed for the State Science Fair, April 17th in Socorro. Margo said she could possibly be a judge. Angelique and Margo agreed to be the LAWIS representatives at the State Board meetings. * Newsletter: Tinka said she is almost done with the Newsletter. Tinka said it will include the list of new LAWIS board members, EYH memo, old President's report. Tinka asked anyone with old newsletters to give copies to her. Tinka is in the process of training Angelique to take over newsletter duties. * Tinka said she would like help in handling the noon-time talks. Angelique and Ann volunteered to help. Tinka asked people to contact her and let her know talks for which they are available. * Tinka asked how sub-server list could be created, for information that just needs to go out to the Steering Committee. Janie said she would contact Tinka about creating a sub-server list. * 10th Steering Committee member: Sharon introduced Huyen N. Dinh, the LAWIS 10th Steering Committee member. Huyen was active in Women-in-Science in Calgary. Board members welcomed Huyen as a new member-at-large. Board members gave Huyen a description of the member-at-large position. * Replacement for lunch talks coordinator: Sharon has lunch talk speakers confirmed through October 1999, with exception of September. She suggested that speakers be lined up about 3 - 4 months in advance, to assure reservation of Otowi side rooms. Sharon will be leaving Los Alamos in September. She said speakers have been very cooperative and willing to help. * Bylaws clarification: Margo said the bylaws committee has not met. dede is the chair. Margo and one other person serve on the committee. Margo will call dede to get a meeting of the committee together. Margo said her most current bylaws are dated 1985 and that they need changes. * Sponsorship of Kendra LeSar: Tinka said Kendra LeSar is already attending the Presidential classroom on science in Washington D.C. She is a Junior in high school. The committee agreed to send her a careers booklet and invite her to speak for part of one of the lunch talks. Tinka volunteered to draft a letter to Kendra from the LAWIS Steering Committee. * Science Fair report: Tinka provided a report on the LA County Science Fair. Tinka said there were 176 entries, down from 250 last year. Tinka reported that almost two-thirds of the entries were from female students. Tinka said she would send a letter to Otowi Station, thanking them for their support of the Science Fair, and generous gifts. This is who got LAWIS awards at the Science Fair: 1. Katie Wurden * Making a Two Dimensional Magnetic Fluid 2. Kristin White ** Every Rock Has A Silver Lining 3. Elena Gustafson Mordants: What Are They Good For? Honorable Mentions: Kari Schoenberg How Rockets Work: Using an Air Pressure Rocket Madeline Tiee Light Refraction of Liquids Claire Lackner * CO_2 Sequestration Mariana Padilla The Heart of the Matter Cassiope Sydoriak Is Development What People Really Want in Los Alamos? Paulina Zelanay Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth Sarah Kniss Blind Spots Josie Martin How Does It Ring? Jennifer Trent * Acoustic Insulation of Materials Heather Wood How Ants Work Together to Gather Food Erin Dempsey * Get the Lead Out Eva Uribe Nail It! The Best Electromagnet * = award winner in 1997 or 1998 (2 if both) Schools (American Assoc of Physics Teachers (AAPT) poster of Uranus or Neptune) Suzanne Davis' Second Grade Class, Pinon Which Boat Will Float the Best and Hold the Most? Nogar and Schillaci's First Grade Class, Pinon What's Cooking? (this was 2 classrooms so they got 2 different posters) Mrs. Ziomek's Third Grade Class, Mountain How Popular is Your Name? Mrs. Gorman's 2nd Grade Class, Barranca The Sound of Music plus Tinka gave one more, so 1 of: Carol Busch's Third Grade Class, Pinon Pennies Cushing's Crew (Third Grade), Barranca Exploring Inclined Planes and Measures Mr. Ross' Fifth Grade Class, Pinon Bandelier Watershed Health (Tinka didn't write these down unfortunately as she forgot about the school projects til the last minute and the paper only listed the ones above, so if any of you know if one of these got a poster - or if one listed didn't - Tinka would appreciate your letting her know. The person from the schools is supposed to call her back when she gets back from travel, but she suspects they may not have it either as it was added "on the fly" during the awards ceremony...) certificate wording (on dino paper, Tinka can show you the finished product on request) ________________________________ LOS ALAMOS WOMEN IN SCIENCE Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering is proud to award FIRST PLACE, A $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE or SECOND PLACE, A $15 GIFT CERTIFICATE or THIRD PLACE, A $10 GIFT CERTIFICATE or HONORABLE MENTION, A $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE to (name) In recognition of her accomplishments in the study of science as demonstrated by her project (title) at the 1999 Los Alamos County Science Fair. Los Alamos Women in Science hopes you continue to develop your potential as a future scientist. ________________________________ The schools received only the posters as Tinka didn't remember them till the last minute as was mentioned above. The other awards winners received the paper certificate above, the gift certificate from Otowi Station, and a "Trust me, I'm a Scientist" bumper sticker. Note Otowi Station donated 2 of the $5 gift certificates (so Tinka hurried back and added 2 more names of kids not otherwise getting awards and gave 12 HM's instead of the 10 planned), and she donated the paper certificates and the bumper stickers, and the AAPT donated the posters, so LAWIS spent $100. Judges for LAWIS: Catherine A. French-Sidoti Yi Jiang Katherine Campbell Tinka Gammel Kathy Prestridge Kim Thomas Jennifer A. Macy Janie Enter * Margo said she had circulated a draft of the minutes she prepared from the LAWIS annual meeting held in December 1998. She said the majority of committee members had approved the minutes. Margo will send the final, approved copy of the minutes out. * EYH is going well, and is not hurting for money. We have 13-14 workshops confirmed, and are looking for a couple more (we would like to have a minimum of 15). * It was mentioned that we should work with the Bradbury Science Museum or WDWG on women's history month (either this year or next) to incorporate issues of "women of the Manhattan Project". Since women's history month is in March it is probably easier to plan this for next year. The other idea was to use this for the laboratory's anniversary in June (they're always looking for poster ideas). * Agenda items for next meeting: Report from annual meeting committee Report from EYH Other reports New business * we are looking for a hard copy of the bylaws after WIS became part of the network as LAWIS. Margo Clark, dede Collins and Nancy Sheer are the bylaws committe. * Next meeting will be March 10th at 7:15 am * Adjourned at about 8:15 am.