Draft Revision (not yet approved, in MS Word)

    Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Los Alamos 
        Women in Science, henceforth referred to as WIS.
ARTICLE II.  Purpose
    Section 1. The purposes of WIS are
        a. to create an atmosphere of active communication, support, 
           and assistance among women pursuing careers in science and 
           engineering; and to foster further development of their 
           professional skills; and
        b. to act as mentors and role models for women and young 
           people by providing support, encouragement, and assistance in 
           the development of their careers in science and engineering.
    Section 2. Science and engineering is defined to include 
        mathematics and all engineering fields as well as the physical, 
        biological, behavioral, medical, and social sciences.
ARTICLE III. Membership
    Section 1. Membership shall be open to all persons who support 
        the purposes of WIS as stated in Article II.
ARTICLE IV.  Steering Committee and Officers
    Section 1. Except as otherwise required by law or provided by 
        these bylaws, the entire control of WIS and its affairs and 
        property shall be vested in its Steering Committee.
    Section 2. The Steering Committee shall consist of ten (10) persons 
        elected from and by the membership at large for two-year terms.
    Section 3. The newly elected Steering Committee members shall 
        assume their duties on the first day of the new fiscal year.
    Section 4. The Steering Committee shall elect from its members 
        the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and 
        Treasurer. The term of office for these positions shall be one year.
    Section 5.  Duties of Officers
        a. The President shall:
            (1) Coordinate the business and affairs of WIS;
            (2) Preside at all meetings of the Steering Committee and 
                all business meetings of WIS;
            (3) Serve as ex officio member of all committees except 
                the Nominating Committee;
            (4) Disburse WIS funds in the absence of the Treasurer;
            (5) Serve as the official representative of WIS or designate 
                an alternate;
            (6) Provide guidance to the Steering Committee and the 
                membership as a whole for the benefit of WIS; and
            (7) Perform other duties incident to the office as 
                required by the Bylaws or by the Steering Committee.
        b. The Vice President shall:
            (1) Perform the duties of the President in all cases in 
                which the President is unable to serve; and
            (2) Serve as alternate to the President and assist in such 
                matters as may be delegated to the Vice President by the 
                President or by the Steering Committee.
        c. The Secretary shall:
            (1) Record and keep in her custody the minutes of all 
                meetings of the Steering Committee and of the business 
                meetings of WIS;
            (2) Maintain a file of all WIS correspondence;
            (3) Give notice of all regular meetings of the Steering 
                Committee to each Committee member; and
            (4) Perform such other duties as are requested by the 
                President or the Steering Committee,
        d. The Treasurer shall:
            (1) Be responsible for collecting and disbursing the funds 
                of WIS;
            (2) Maintain accounts for WIS in authorized institutions 
                as required and approved by the Steering Committee;
            (3) Prepare and present a financial report annually and at 
                other times when requested by the Steering Committee;
            (4) Provide assistance in the maintenance of an up-to-date 
                membership list;
            (5) Keep a proper set of financial records and present 
                same for an annual audit;
            (6) Serve as chair of the annual budget meeting; and
            (7) Perform other duties incident to the office as 
                requested by the President or by the Steering Committee
                or as required by these Bylaws.
    Section 6.  Vacancies
        a. If any vacancy shall occur in the Steering Committee by reason 
            of resignation, death, or otherwise, the Steering Committee 
            shall appoint a member of WIS to fill such vacancy for 
            the unexpired term of the person replaced.
        b. The Steering Committee may remove a member who fails to 
            participate in its activities.
    Section 7. No member of the Steering Committee shall receive any 
        salary or compensation for serving in that capacity except that 
        Committee members may be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses 
        incurred in the performance of their duties and authorized by the 
        Steering Committee.
ARTICLE V.   Nominations and Elections
    Section 1.  Nominating Committee
        a. A Chairperson for the Nominating Committee will be appointed by 
            the Steering Committee at least three months prior to the 
            Annual Meeting. The appointed Chairperson will be responsible 
            for selecting from the membership the additional members of 
            the Nominating Committee.
        b. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members. No more 
            than one member of the Steering Committee may serve on the 
            Nominating Committee. Only those Steering Committee members not 
            standing for reelection are eligible to serve on the Nominating 
    Section 2.  Nominations
        a. Any person who has been a WIS member in good standing for 
            at least one year is eligible for nomination.
        b. The Nominating Committee shall call for nominations from the WIS 
            membership at least six weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
     Section 3.  Elections
        a. Election shall be by mail ballot. The Nominating Committee shall 
            send a ballot to each WIS member at least two weeks prior to the 
            Annual Meeting. Ballots shall be returned to the Nominating 
            Committee at least two days prior to the Annual Meeting.
        b. The Nominating Committee shall count the ballots and announce 
            the election results at the Annual Meeting.
        c. Five (5) Steering Committee members shall be elected annually 
            by the WIS membership. The five candidates receiving the highest 
            vote will be considered elected. Any tie will be broken by
            written ballot of the memberships present at the Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE VI.  Meetings
    Section l. The Annual meeting of the members of WIS shall be held  
        during May. The results of the annual election of Steering 
        Committee members shall be reported at this meeting.
    Section 2. A meeting of WIS may be called at such time and such place 
        as shall be selected by a majority of the Steering Committee or 
        by the President.
    Section 3. Notice of all business meetings of WIS shall be mailed 
        to each member at least one (l/5 week before the date of the 
        meeting and shall state the time, place, and purposes thereof.
    Section 4. Regular meetings of the Steering Committee shall be held 
        on a schedule determined by the Steering Committee.
    Section 5. Special meetings of the Steering Committee may be called 
        at any time by a member of the Committee upon at least two (2) 
        days' notice to each Committee member. The Committee member calling 
        the meeting shall serve as chairperson of that meeting and be 
        responsible for preparing the agenda and other items necessary to 
        conduct business.
    Section 6. One fifth (l/5) of the members of WIS shall constitute 
        a quorum for all purposes.
    Section 7. Five (5) members of the Steering Committee shall constitute 
        a quorum for all purposes. Business of WIS not requiring a formal 
        vote of the Steering Committee may be conducted if fewer than 
        five (5) Committee members are present.
    Section 8. In any vote of WIS or the Steering Committee, a simple 
        majority of those voting will decide the question, unless otherwise 
        stated in these Bylaws.
    Section 9. Robert's Rules of Order shall set the parliamentary 
        guidelines for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by 
        these Bylaws or by rules of procedure adopted by the Steering 
        Committee. The order of business at any meeting may be changed by a 
        vote of the majority of the members present.
ARTICLE VII.   Dues and Finance
    Section 1. The fiscal Year of WIS shall begin on July 1 and end 
        on June 30.
    Section 2. The amount of the annual dues of all members shall be 
        recommended by the Steering Committee and approved by a majority of 
        the members present and voting at the Annual Meeting. If the dues 
        of any member be unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days after the 
        first day of the fiscal year, the Treasurer of WIS shall mail 
        a notice of delinquency. If the dues of any member are not paid 
        within thirty (30) days after the mailing of such notice of 
        delinquency, membership shall automatically terminate on that date 
        but the Steering Committee may provide for subsequent reinstatement.
    Section 3. The funds of WIS shall be deposited or kept in an 
        authorized institution as required and approved by the Steering 
    Section 4. The Treasurer for the fiscal year shall prepare a financial 
        report within two (2) weeks after the end of that fiscal year. 
        Such reports shall be filed with the records of WIS and an abstract 
        thereof shall be entered in the minutes of the Steering Committee 
        meeting at which the report is presented. The abstract shall be 
        distributed to the members of WIS.
ARTICLE VIII.  Committees and representatives
    Section 1. The Steering Committee may appoint such committees and 
        representatives as it deems necessary to conduct the business 
        of WIS.
    Section 2. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed as provided 
        for in Article V. Section 1.
    Section 3. The Steering Committee shall appoint two (2) member of WIS, 
        only one of which may be a member of the Steering Committee to 
        audit the Treasurer's accounts. The audit shall be performed and 
        a report submitted to the Steering Committee within the month 
        following the end of the fiscal year.
ARTICLE IX.  Other Women in Science Organizations
    Section 1. WIS, upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership, 
        may become a chapter of a larger Women In Science organization. 
        This election shall be by mail ballot. The Secretary shall send a 
        ballot to each WIS member at least two (2) weeks prior to 
        the vote deadline.
    Section 2. If chapter representative(s) are needed for the larger 
        organization, delegate(s) will be elected from the membership 
        under the same regulations as provided for the election of members 
        of the Steering Committee. A member of the Steering Committee may 
        serve as a delegate. If any vacancy occurs in a delegate position, 
        the Steering Committee shall appoint a member of WIS to fill such 
        vacancy for the unexpired term.
    Section 3. If a delegate is not a member of the Steering Committee, 
        the delegate shall become an ad hoc member of the Steering Committee.
    Section 4. If no specific representative of WIS is necessary, 
        the Steering Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the 
        necessary liaison with the larger organization.
ARTICLE X.   Ratification and Amendments
    Section 1. These Bylaws will be considered adopted when approved 
        in writing by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members of WIS.
    Section 2. Amendments
        a. Amendments to these Bylaws may be considered at any meeting 
            of WIS and shall become effective if a majority of the members 
            of WIS vote in favor of the proposed amendments. Notice of such 
            amendments must be mailed by the Secretary to the members of WIS 
            at least two (2) weeks before said meeting with provision for 
            voting in absentia.
        b. The Steering Committee may submit amendments to these Bylaws 
            to the members of WIS by written notice. Such amendments shall 
            become effective when approved in writing by a majority of the 
March 1980
Revised: July 1985
    Bylaws Committee: Georgia Fritz, Chair; Adele Hopkins, Judy Gursky, and
        Carol Paxton

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