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First, the disclaimer: any errors are the responsibility of Laura McNamara, LAWIS Newsletter editor. Please send any comments, corrections, and/or items for inclusion to lauramc@lanl.gov, or call 665-9685.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, like an enormous fire, (gee, I never thought I'd get to use the old 'unforeseen circumstances' excuse!), the Newsletter is issued electronically during the first week of every month. This June 2000 issue is late, due to the fire and the editor's scramble to finish her dissertation this summer. Sorry.
If you're interested in previous issues, many are available on the LAWIS home page (http://home.lanl.gov/lawis/NewsLetters). Announcements or news items must be on my desk by the last Monday of every month to make the next issue. Please contact me if you prefer hardcopy format and I'll be sure to send one out. Lastly, scroll to the end of this newsletter and check out the neat community service opportunities coming up this spring - these are Laboratory-approved activities, so get involved!
Back to ContentsThe next meeting of the LAWIS Steering Committee will be Thursday, July 13th , 2000 at 7:00 a.m. The rest of the LAWIS meetings have been scheduled for 7 AM as follows:
Lastly, if you'd like to talk to one of the Steering Committee members, all
our contact information is available on the
LAWIS Web Page, scrupulously maintained by Tinka Gammel and Cathy Cleland.
The list is located at
We're glad to hear from you.
Back to Contents
FYI - These minutes are very recent - June 8th - and the Steering Committee hasn't yet approved or edited them.
The Steering Committee for Los Alamos Women in Science met Thursday,
June 8, at 7:00 a.m., in Side Room A of the cafeteria. Members present were Cathy Cleland,
Ann Mauzy, Janie Enter, Mary Campbell, Susana Delano, Angelique Neuman, and Margo Clark.
Members absent were
Dolores Montaño, Laura A. McNamara, Huyen Dinh, and Dana Roberson.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of meetings from 3/9, 4/13, and 4/27 were approved as
corrected: on 3/9, change "Susana Delgado" to Susana Delano; on 4/13 clarify "discussion of financial
records" to show that Janie has the checkbooks and financial records; on 4/27 note that Janie has the EYH video
tapes in her office.
The Northern Chapter EYH report was accepted. Janie will ask Alexine to provide
a summary.
According to the latest statements, the savings account has $917.88;
Account 1 has $2,044.97; Account 5 (EYH) has $1.10; The annual meeting account has $841.64. A
motion was offered to transfer from Account 1 into the savings account the amount that was
automatically transferred from savings to cover an overdraft on the EYH account. The motion
was withdrawn so that Susana can have a chance to ponder the last couple of months' bank
Carol Hogsett has resigned from LAWIS. Janie has been in contact with Cathy
Majerus to fill this position. Janie will make sure Cathy is a member.
Susana will write a check to NMNWSE for a complimentary membership for Kathleen
Ramsay; Cathy Cleland will fill out the membership form and send it in with the check.
Claim for Burned Careers Books and Bags:
While we wait for the
US Park Service to handle our claim, the state organization will contact our
EYH donors and ask them to give us money to replace the books.
Mary Campbell will send the By-Laws revisions to the Steering Committee members as an attach
ment on e-mail.
Angelique gave a state meeting report. The 2000 annual meeting will be Oct
2022 in Ruidoso.
The noontime speaker Alyssa Olson was introduced by Laura Wolfsberg and Tim Callahan both of E-ET.
Cathy says the LAWIS Web site may not be up to date for a while, but she's working on it. Update (06/14/00): we are ready to roll! (-CC)
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Mauzy, Secretary
Not surprisingly, there are a lot of rescheduled meetings. Here's the latest I've received:
Georgia Pedicini tells us, "The Pay Equity Coalition, which almost certainly includes somebody (else) from LAWIS, had an information booth and a speaker scheduled for the first week were closed. The information booth is tentatively rescheduled for June 15th. That particular speaker will not be rescheduled, but we may bring someone in later in the summer."
Habitat for Humanity is seeking volunteers to work on a new home being built in San Pedro. Construction will begin sometime in late May/early June. If you'd like to sign up, please check out the website at http://outreach:251/volunteerevents/habit.html. If you've got questions, contact Elizabeth Kallman: eliz@lanl.gov or 665-2850.
For more information on volunteer opportunities, check out the Community Relations Office web page at http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/cr/index.html and click on "Volunteer Activities".