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First, the disclaimer: any errors are the responsibility of Laura McNamara, LAWIS Newsletter editor. Please send any comments, corrections, and/or items for inclusion to lauramc@lanl.gov, or call 665-9685.
Barring unforeseen circumstances and/or absentmindedness on the editor's part
("Gee, is it December already?"), the Newsletter is issued more-or-less monthly.
If you're interested in previous issues, many are available
on the LAWIS home page (
http://home.lanl.gov/lawis/NewsLetters). Announcements or news items must be on my
(virtual) desk by the last Monday of every month to make the next issue.
Please contact me if you (or someone you know) would prefer hardcopy format and I'll
be sure to send one out.
As always, you're encouraged to read through
this newsletter for a variety of science-oriented community service opportunities
including Science Fairs, EYH, science fun nights…. Lastly, given how well our
members are doing in both career and community service work, I'm taking editorial
license to create a new section entitled Thanks, Congratulations, Kudos. If you know someone
who deserves some recognition by the LAWIS membership, let me know and I'll
include an announcement in the newsletter.
Welcome to a new millennium of LAWIS meetings! The LAWIS board kicks off the next 1000 years of women in science with a meeting January 17th, from 1-2 PM. This time, we're in Otowi Sideroom C. The rest of the LAWIS steering committe meetings have been scheduled for 1-2 PM as follows:
Please feel welcome to attend any of our meetings. If you'd like to talk to one of the Steering Committee members, all our contact information is available on the LAWIS Web Page, scrupulously maintained by Tinka Gammel and Cathy Cleland. The list is located at (http://home.lanl.gov/lawis/NMNWSE_Northern.html). We're glad to hear from you.
The last Steering Committee Meeting was conducted at the LAWIS party on the 15th of December.
I haven't gotten those minutes yet, but here is the DRAFT version of the minutes from the
November meeting.
The steering committee for Los Alamos Women in Science met Wed.,
November 15, 2000 at 1:00 in Otowi Cafeteria. Members present were Cathy
Cleland, Lisa Coletti, Laura McNamara, Lori Merrill, Kristina Moreno, Kathy
Prestridge, Dana Roberson, Tinka Gammel. Kristina Moreno served as secretary in absence
of Ann Mauzy.
Minutes of the October 18, 2000 meeting were approved as amended: note Lori Merrill's
spelling of her last name. EYH. As to date, there have been 2,000 career books ordered.
Alexine and Dana will look into ordering more bags as whether or not the state will
pay for these as "giveaways". Dana will contact the state board. In addition, Mabel
Vigil-Gray has been named co-chair. Lisa Coletti volunteered to work on redoing the
registration forms. Kristina Moreno volunteered to work the Help Desk.
Since Susana Delano is no longer the official treasurer, she
cannot sign the signature card; Janie will have to do this. The books still need to
be audited before handing them off; Lisa, Janie, and Susana will audit books. Kristina will
contact Janie and Susana about getting the books to her once audit has taken place.
Motion to continue honorary membership to Colleen
Olinger (Otowi Bookstore) and Kathleen Ramsey (Cottonwood Vet.) was passed.
Motion was passed to support the science fairs in Los
Alamos, Las Vegas, Pojoaque, and Espanola for a total of $250.00. Lori Merrill will
serve as volunteer for the Espanola science fair, Cathy will help judge. Pojoaque
already has a volunteer. Information about the science fairs can be located on the web
Honeywell has donated to EYH for an unknown amount.
Cathy spoke with HR about a job announcement networking system.
They suggested we do a bulk e-mail list to announce to check the job page
for official jobs once a week. This will be a separate email list from the LAWIS
list. Cathy will work on listserver to start this with help from Tinka. Additional info
will be linked on the LAWIS website about job networking.
At the state board meeting, an announcement was made about the
Professional Development Seminar. It will be held in June 2001 in
Albuquerque. It will be a day long event which will include seminars on resume writing.
Revisions finally passed!!! The count was at 27 "Yes" which is the
majority. A motion was moved and passes to accept the bylaws as revised.
Back to Contents
Mentoring has become Janie Enter's post-LAWIS-presidential project.
She is interested in opening a dialogue among
LAWIS members about mentoring, its importance, and fostering mentoring
relationships. This month, she sent in a brief column about mentoring. Let it inspire
you, then get in touch with Janie about her efforts to leverage LAWIS's involvement in
mentoring. Janie writes:
MENTORING OVERVIEW…. [adapted from Zachary, L. (2000). The Mentor's Guide.
Jossey-Bass, San Francisco].
Today's mentors are more than just people who help others
find a jewel of wisdom or a promotion at work. Mentors "impart lessons in
the art of living." (Zalman Schachter-Shalomi). They extend the human activity of
care beyond the grounds of family. At their best they inspire others to reach beyond
themselves, showing others how to make a positive difference in a broader world, and see
others in ways they have been seen before.
Traditional mentoring has been one of an authoritarian teacher/dependent
student, in which the mentee sits at the feet of the master and receives
knowledge. Modern mentoring casts the mentor more as a facilitator in the learning process
by creating a climate conducive to learning. Rather than being mentor driven, with the
mentor taking full responsibility for the mentee's learning, the mentee learns to share
responsibility for the learning setting, priorities, learning, and becomes increasingly
self-directed. If the learner is not ready to assume a degree of responsibility, the mentor
nurtures and develops the mentee's capacity for self-direction. As the learning
relationship evolves, both the mentor and mentee share the accountability and responsibility for
achieving a mentee's learning goals.
This shift in mentoring practices follows new information about adult learning
It's that EYH time of year too… Expanding
Your Horizons is coming up fast and even though Dana Roberson hasn't said
anything to me, I'm sure she and her crew would appreciate any help she can get with
organizing this year's event. There are plenty of projects student recruitment,
registration packets, help desk, getting funding, publicity, and many more…
If you're interested,
you may contact Dana at dsroberson@lanl.gov.
I speak from experience when I say that working with
Dana is a joy, because she's super-organized and stays on top of everything…
Getting the LAWIS word out…
The LAWIS board has put together a recruitment brochure to bring new members into the
organization. Wanda Roybal in HR-5 Staffing has kindly offered to include it in all the new
hire packets. We're also looking into making table cards for Otowi, and possibly putting
copies around town Mesa Public Library and UNM-Los Alamosa are two potential
sites. If you've got any ideas about appropriate places to display our brochure, including
people to contact about displaying it, call or e-mail Laura McNamara (665-9685, e-mail
lauramc@lanl.gov) or Lori Merrill (
lori@telomere.lanl.gov) and we'll do
what we can to get it out there. And speaking of getting the word out: if you know a
young Marie Curie… steer her to the American Women in Science Website for information
on their scholarship program for undergraduate and graduate science students:
Looking for some scientifically validated fun? Volunteer for Science Fun
Chamisa Elementary School in White Rock is planning a Science Fun Night
from 5:30 until 7 pm on Thursday, January 18, 2001. The idea is to have adult
volunteers man stations with short, simple, fun hands-on science projects that kids can
watch and do along the lines of the Bradbury's High-Tech Halloween. Chamisa is looking for
volunteers (in this town, that should be no problem) if you've got an
idea for a cool project or demonstration that would be appropriate for K-6th graders
and/or if you would be willing to help out, call Deb Summa at 665-1854 or 672-1953.
For more information on volunteer opportunities, check out the Community Relations Office web page at http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/cr/index.html and click on "Volunteer Activities".
Back to Contents
Congratulations to Noline Clark of C-SIC (formerly CST-18) who recently
received a Distinguished Performance Award. Ann Mauzy, who wrote the citation for
Noline's award, was extremely impressed with her research on catalytic converters
for "clean- burn" engines, as was everyone who attended her recent lunchtime talk...
Special thanks to Kim Thomas of C-INC for her generous donation in support of
our science fair award program. All those young scientists thank you, too!
Kathy Prestridge of DX-3 kindly volunteered her home for the LAWIS Holiday party….
Much nicer than our usual meeting digs…
Claudia Lewis of EES-1 recently won a Fulbright Grant...her
second! to study structural geology and tectonics in the Spanish Pyrenees. Congratulations to
Claudia and we look forward to the lunchtime talk when she returns.
Laura Worl of NMT-11 has been chosen as a member (the only woman member)
of the Science Leadership Council (SLC) in NMT Division. SLC members are all accomplished
senior scientists within NMT who have demonstrated significant scientific
and technical achievements and hold peer recognition, external reputation and visibility
in their respective scientific and technical fields…
Susana Delano, former LAWIS treasurer
and member of B-N1, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, Alex, on the 21st of
A millennium horoscope prediction from your LAWIS editor: MORE
keep pushing the childcare issue, ¿que no?