Los Alamos Women in Science

Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering

Science Fair Awards 2001

LAWIS is proud to sponsor awards at local area Science Fairs. The purpose of the awards is

"to promote gender equity and to encourage female students
to continue their studies in math and science."
These "Northern Chapter" awards compliment the awards given out by the NMNWSE at the state Science Fair.

If you would like to help judge or if you want to organize "Northern Chapter" awards at your Northern New Mexico County's or School District's Science Fair, contact Tinka Gammel, jtg@lanl.gov, 667-9149.

LAWIS Science Fair Awards given in 2001 (and Dec 2000)

Manzano Vista Middle School Science Fair, December 5, 2000

LAWIS is proud to recognize for their accomplishments in the study of science the following participants in the Dec 2000 Manzano Vista Middle School Science Fair:

  • Susan Vigil and Sierra Pando, Ocean Salt -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate for each presenter
  • Rachel Klejwa, Do spiders learn to build their webs differently when in danger? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Ida Bott, Which type of adobe brick deteriorates the most? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Natalie Plutino, Are the qualities of a good insulator for hot and cold water the same? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Vularia Baca, Plants and Manure -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
The judges for the LAWIS awards at the Manzano Vista Middle School Science Fair were Cas Mason and Julie Wilson, with help from several of the other Science Fair judges.

Pojoaque Science Fair at Pojoaque Intermediate School, January 24, 2001

LAWIS is proud to recognize for their accomplishments in the study of science the following participants in the Jan 2001 Pojoaque Science Fair:

  • Julia DePaula, Do Birds of a Feather Use Color Together -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Nicole Ortiz, The Evaporation Rates of Different Liquids -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Sally Thompson, Can You See With Your Tongue? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Melissa Martinez, Brrr, What Should I Wear? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Amanda Sandoval, Do Things Weigh More or Less in Water? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
The judge for the LAWIS awards at the Pojoaque Science Fair was Karen Schultz Paige.

Taos Municipal Schools Science and Engineering Fair at Taos Middle School, January 26, 2001

LAWIS is proud to recognize for their accomplishments in the study of science the following participants in the Jan 2001 Taos Municipal Schools Science and Engineering Fair:

  • Natasha Woodall, Ultraviolet sterilization: ultimate water purification -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Amanda Chavez, In situ phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Molly Bell, Solar energy interconversion energy for the next millenium -- Hydrogen -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Fallon Nuanez, Sugar Onions -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
  • Alexandria Eden, What is a lever and how can it be used? -- $10 check and LAWIS award certificate
The judge for the LAWIS awards at the Taos Municipal Schools Science and Engineering Fair was Julie Wilson.

Espanola Science Fair, February 1, 2001

Los Alamos County Science Fair, February 3, 2001

LAWIS is proud to recognize for their accomplishments in the study of science the following participants in the Feb 2001 Los Alamos County Science Fair:

  • Christine Dubois, How do Computers Add Numbers? -- $25 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Jessi Chipera, Will Different Terrains Affect the Ability of Various Robots to stay on Their Programmed Course? -- $15 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Anna Trugman, Fire, Soil, and Plants -- $10 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Cassiope Sydoriak, Surviving the Cerro Grande Fire -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Kelly White, It's a Chill Wind that Blows No Good -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Angela Torney, The Effects of Acid Rain on Algae -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Kaeta Daubielle Barber, Do You Have Your Suncreen on Today? -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Maggie Tuzel, Friction Against Wood and Materials -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Lindsey Reader, Which Treatment? Equine Cusings Disease -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Natasha Roberts, Oh, I-Cy! -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Sarah Story, Testing pH in Garden Soil -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Laura Wendelberger, Rolling Dice -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Emily Funsten, Why Should We Buckle Up? -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Victoria Honnell, Watching Beans Sprout -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Emily TenCate, Does Antibacterial Soap Work? -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Dylan Chipera, Do Objects Weigh Different in Different Solutions? -- $5 Otowi Station Gift Certificate and LAWIS award certificate
  • Miss Parker's, Mrs. Smith's, and Mrs. Ziomek's 3rd Grade Class, Mountain, What's Hot and What's Not -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
  • Mrs. Martineau's 4th Grade Class, Mountain, Melting Ice -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
  • Mrs. Busch's 3rd Grade Class, Pinon, What Cleans Pennies the Best? -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
  • Mrs. Schaefer's 4th Grade Class, Mountain, Music of the Heart -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
  • Mrs. Gorman's 2nd Grade Class, Barranca, Fatty Animals -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
  • Mrs. Alexander's 3rd Grade GATE Class, Chamisa, How Do Ants Live? -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
  • Mrs. Alexander's 4th Grade GATE Class, Chamisa, How Much Water Do We Use in a Day? -- Celebrate Women in Physics Poster and LAWIS award certificate
The judges for the LAWIS awards at the Los Alamos County Science Fair were Tinka Gammel, Deb Summa, Cathy Cleland, Heather Hawkins, Robi Mulford, Dana Roberson, Wendee Brunish, Elane Flower, Denise George, and Janie Enter.

45th Northeastern New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair in Las Vegas, March 3, 2001

LAWIS is proud to recognize for their accomplishments in the study of science the following participants in the 45th Northeastern New Mexico Regional Science and and Engineering Fair in Las Vegas, March 3, 2001

  • Lorraine Cisneros, Effects of Acid Rain on Marble, Questa High
  • Serena Eckert, The Optimum Temperature, Coronado Middle
  • Ritanne Farmer, The 3R's of H20, San Juan Elementary
  • Jennifer Herrera, Water Testing, Turquoise Trail Elementary
  • Audra Martinez, Would You Burn This Wood?, Memorial Middle

The judge for the LAWIS awards at the 45th Northeastern New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair in Las Vegas was Lori Merrill.

We hope all Science Fair participants had fun, and will continue to develop their potential as future scientists!

LAWIS Science Fair Page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/ScienceFair
LAWIShttps://archive.nmnwse.org page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis
NMNWSEhttps://archive.nmnwse.org page: http://www.nmnwse.org