Los Alamos Women in Science

Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering

Science Fair Awards 2002

LAWIS is proud to sponsor awards at local area Science Fairs. The purpose of the awards is

"to promote gender equity and to encourage female students
to continue their studies in math, science, and engineering."
These "Northern Chapter" awards compliment the awards given out by the NMNWSE at the state Science Fair.

If you would like to help judge or if you want to organize "Northern Chapter" awards at your Northern New Mexico County's or School District's Science Fair, contact Tinka Gammel, jtg@lanl.gov, 667-9149.

LAWIS Science Fair Awards given in 2002 (and Dec 2001)

Manzano Vista Middle School Science Fair, December, 2000

LAWIS is proud to recognize for their accomplishments in the study of science the following participants in the Dec 2000 Manzano Vista Middle School Science Fair:

  • Michelle Sumner, Does pH affect alfalfa growth? -- $10 check, LAWIS magnet, and LAWIS award certificate
  • Victoria Torres, What keeps a horse from colicking? -- $10 check, LAWIS magnet, and LAWIS award certificate
  • Alyssa Cosper, Which fruit loses the highest percentage of moisture? -- $10 check, LAWIS magnet, and LAWIS award certificate
  • Britni Gallegos, What drink stains your teeth the most? -- $10 check, LAWIS magnet, and LAWIS award certificate
  • Audrianna Vigil, What happens to rubber bands of different widths as they are heated? -- $10 check, LAWIS magnet, and LAWIS award certificate
The judge for the LAWIS awards at the Manzano Vista Middle School Science Fair was Cas Mason, with help from several of the other Science Fair judges.

We hope all Science Fair participants had fun, and will continue to develop their potential as future scientists!

LAWIS Science Fair Page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/ScienceFair
LAWIShttps://archive.nmnwse.org page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis
NMNWSEhttps://archive.nmnwse.org page: http://www.nmnwse.org