Los Alamos Women in Science

Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering

Science Fair Awards 2003

LAWIS is proud to sponsor awards at local area Science Fairs. The purpose of the awards is

"to promote gender equity and to encourage female students
to continue their studies in math, science, and engineering."
These "Northern Chapter" awards compliment the awards given out by the NMNWSE at the state Science Fair.

If you would like to help judge or if you want to organize "Northern Chapter" awards at your Northern New Mexico County's or School District's Science Fair, contact Tinka Gammel, jtg@lanl.gov, 667-9149.

LAWIS Science Fair Awards given in 2003 (and Dec 2002)

Manzano Vista Middle School, Dec. 10, 2002

  • Andrea Wilson, "See it, Hear it, Remember it", Knowledge Cards (Women Who Dare I).
  • Jackson Krauss, "Do age and gender affect student attitudes about bullying?", Certificate.
  • Zach Herrera, "Does gender affect spatial reasoning?", Certificate.
  • Lonny Hadley, "The effects of sleep on memory", Certificate.
  • Traci Galemore, "Gluten vs. Starch", Knowledge Cards (Women Who Dare I).
  • Lanelle Rodriguez, "How strong are toothpicks?", Knowledge Cards (Women Who Dare I).
  • Candice Guthrie, "Which solar furnace gets water boiling?", Knowledge Cards (Women Who Dare I).
  • Lora Dutil, "Solar oven", Knowledge Cards (Women Who Dare I).
  • Jim Armijo, "How does liquid affect bone density?", Certificate.
  • Homero Montoya, "Siphon", Certificate.
Many thanks to our LAWIS judge Cas Mason!

Chimayo Elementary School, Feb. 6, 2003

Room 601
  • Brittany Gallegos, "What Makes Water Hard?", 1st Place - Certificate, Knowledge Cards, & magnet.
  • Marqui Williams, "The Aging of Cheese", 2nd Place - Certificate & magnet
  • Steven Martinez, "Materials Racing To Burn", 3rd Place - magnet

Room 602

  • Marco Vigil, "Basic Alarm System", 1st Place - Certificate, Knowledge Cards, & magnet
  • Ayrissa Martinez, "The Plant Race", 2nd Place, - Certificate & magnet
  • Justin Trujillo, "The Ph Meter Reader", 3rd Place, - magnet
Many thanks to the Chimayo Elementary staff for doing the judging for us!

Los Alamos High School, Feb. 1, 2003

  • Anna Trugman (8th Grade), "A (non-linear) Bug's Life", book.
  • Kiran Chitanvis (12th grade), "The Structure-Property Relationship of Fumed Silica Reinforced PDMS", book.
  • Victoria Webster (7th grade), "Tall and Wide - Natural Water", Knowledge Cards.
  • Michelle Early(6th grade), "A Simple Laser Communicator", Knowledge Cards.
  • Caroline Wurden (6th grade), "Piled Higher and Steeper?", Knowledge Cards.
  • Cameron Ott (7th grade), "Fire Ecology of the Commelina", Knowledge Cards.
  • Hannah Taylor (5th grade), "Which Chicken is Fatter", Knowledge Cards.
  • Emily TenCate (4th grade), "Boiling, What Affects It?" and "Leakey Faucets Waste Lots", Knowledge Cards. (1 award for the two projects - note Emily's project "It's Music to My Ears!" also won an award from Los Alamos Symphony Orchestra!)
  • Allison Glasco (5th grade), "Vibration Splash", Knowledge Cards.
  • Summer Shelley (5th grade), "Comparing Methods for Identifying Chemicals", Knowledge Cards.
  • Jody Eden and Desirae Lucero (5th grade), "Different Shades of Temperature", Knowledge Cards (1 pack each).
Many thanks to our LAWIS judges: Elizabeth Kallman, Georgia Pedicini, Diane Albert and Tinka Gammel, with help from the AAUW judges!

Books were student's choice of: "Marie Curie, A Life", "Lise Meitner, A Life in Physics", "Their Day in the Sun, Women of the Manhattan Project", and "Hornest Nest, Experiences of the Navy's First Female Pilot" (autographed). Knowledge Cards were student's choice of: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Weather, Astronomy, Women Who Dare I, and Women Who Dare II.

All students who won our award were also given one of the LAWIS Award Certificates created by Jody Shepard (showing Nobel Prize winning female scientists in the background).

We hope all Science Fair participants had fun, and will continue to develop their potential as future scientists!

LAWIS Science Fair Page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/ScienceFair
LAWIS home page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis
NMNWSE home page: https://archive.nmnwse.org