Los Alamos Women in Science
Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering
1997 Los Alamos County
Science Fair Awards
LAWIS is proud to recognize the following participants in
the 1997 Los Alamos County Science Fair for
their accomplishments in the study of science:
Top awards:
(gift certificate, "Trust Me, I'm a Scientist" bumper sticker, LAWIS certificate)
$25 Joanna Mattis,
The Shocking Truth of Magnetism
$15 Rebecca Hammon,
Electroplating Steel
$10 Kate Stroh and Naomi Gilna,
Does Asthma Affect Heart Rate in Everyday Competitive Swimming?
Additional Awards:
($5 gift certificate, "Trust Me, I'm a Scientist" bumper sticker, LAWIS certificate)
S. Christensen,
Drip-Drip Spill
Jillian Erickson,
A Day in the Life of my Blood Pressure
Leanne Juzaitis and Katy McGhee,
Shannon Matzke,
Colored Rain
Monica Michelotti,
Dendrochronology of Precipitation in Ponderosa Pine
Karen Rand and Rachael Severinghaus,
Leigh Schanfein,
Manure: Which Will Give You the Greenest Thumb?
Alexis Smith,
Surfing the Science Fair
Liz Solano,
Palindrome Patterns
Kristin White,
Riches From The Earth
We hope all participants had fun, and will continue to develop their potential as future scientists!
The Judges for LAWIS
LAWIS Science Fair Page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/ScienceFair
LAWIS home page: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis
NMNWSE home page: http://www.nmnwse.org