under re-construction - links to pages not living at nmnwse.org may be broken and/or some of the linked abstracts may have problems with links or images in the abstract being broken or incorrect. Information in the abstract may also be outdated.
Cynthia Olson Reichhardt, T-12, LANL
Computer simulations of glassy disordered media
(link to abstract)
Panel Discussion: Career Paths for Women in the Sciences and Science-Related Fields
(link to announcement)
Katrin Heitmann, ISR-1, LANL
The Cosmological Revolution
(link to abstract)
Katherine Wells and Beth Sanchez, Vecinos del Rio
Mesa Prieta Rock Art Recording Project
(link to abstract - - originally scheduled for 04/02/12)
Lorna A. Greening, Economist and Erich A. Schneider, D-3, LANL
The U.S. Spent Nuclear Fuel Legacy and the Sustainability of Nuclear Power
(link to abstract)
Wendee Brunish, EES-11, LANL
Underground Nuclear Test Readiness: Geologic and Stemming Issues
(link to abstract)
(link to abstract)
Hanna E. Makaruk
Lead, Transuranic Materials, and Prohibited Objects
Recognition by Real Time Radiography
(link to abstract)
Laura Marsh, RRES-ECO, LANL
What is Global Climate Change?
(link to abstract)
Theresa G. Connaughton, IM-5, LANL and Los Alamos UPTE president
How UPTE makes a difference for scientists at LANL
(link to abstract)
Trouble Shooting Computer Audio Problems
(link to abstract)
03/08/16: Activity Leader: Laura Patterson, Volunteer Task Force
LAWIS Party and Tree Planting
(link to abstract)
Thursday, July 24, 2003: Debra Wrobleski, MST-7, LANL and Mary Campbell, DX-2, LANL
Let's make Ooey, Gooey Polymers - an EYH Workshop Overview
(link to abstract)
Tuesday, July 1, 2003: Tinka Gammel, T-1, LANL
AAUW Career's and Curiousity demo: Science of Toys
(More details on Careers and Curiousity)
Wednesday, June 11, 2003: Jan Frigo, NIS-3, LANL
Overview of Robotics EYH Workshop with a Mindstorm Robot System Demo
(link to abstract)
Tuesday May 20, 2003: Amy Anderson, HSR-2, LANL
Leadership Coaching
(link to abstract and same day board meeting agenda)
August, 2002: Kathy Prestridge, DX-3, LANL
Spills & Ripples: Fun properties of Fluids
(link to abstract)
September, 2001:
Teralene Foxx ESH-20, LANL (retired)
The Ecological Effects of the Cerro Grande Fire
(link to abstract)
October, 2001:
Cindy Christiansen P-24, LANL
Title to be announced
(link to abstract)
August 14, 2001:
Tom Locke, EAP, HR-2, LANL
Sexual Harassment
(link to abstract)
March 13, 2001:
Earle Marie Hanson, ESA Division
Title TBA: On Balancing Work and Home
(link to abstract)
Tuesday February 13, 2001:
Carol Ann Martz, HR-6-TD, LANL
Resources for Career Development
(link to abstract)
Tuesday February 13, 2001:
Dolores Jacobs, HR-6-TD
Resources for Career Development
(link to abstract)
- Thursday, January 18, 2001:
Joanne R. Wendelberger, TSA-1, LANL
Assessment of Year-Round-School and Other Educational Issues
(link to abstract)
- 12/15/00, The Annual Holiday Party
(link to abstract)
- 11/21/00, Noline Clark, C-18, LANL
"Novel Technologies for Reducing Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
in Automotive Engine Exhaust"
(link to abstract)
- 10/20/00, Jean Dewart, ESH-17, LANL
"Air Monitoring Results from the Cerro Grande Fire"
(link to abstract)
- 09/12/00, Cynthia Rice, MST-11, LANL
"Fuel Cell Grade Platinum Nanoparticles: a Electrochemical and NMR Investigation"
(link to abstract)
- 08/09/00, Ana Schwendt, MST-7, LANL
"Zeolite-based electrorheological fluids: Testing, modeling, and instrumental artifacts"
(link to abstract)
07/12/00, Rose Scott, Regional Stakeholder Liason,
Communications Department, Intergovermental Program,
Westing House Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
"WASTE ISOLATION PILOT PLANT: Environmentally Safe Nuclear Waste Disposal"
(link to abstract)
- 06/28/00, Lisa Gutierrez, Director of Diversity Office, LANL
"TEAMING FOR SUCCESS: The power of diversity"
(link to abstract)
- 06/13/00, Alyssa Olson, EES-5, LANL
"Modeling Flow and Radionuclide Transport at the Western Pahute Mesa Area of the Nevada Test Site"
(link to abstract)
- 04/12/00, Irene J. Beyerlein, MST-8, LANL
"Micromechanical stress redistribution models and their implications on statistical failure
of composites"
(link to abstract)
- 04/11/00, Careers and Curiousity at Espanola Middle School
(link to wrap-up report)
(link to main Careers and Curiousity page)
- 03/14/00, Claudia J. Lewis, EES-1, LANL
"Using Quaternary dating methods, stratigraphy and patterns of
stream incision to constrain models of post-orogenic rock uplift:
Preliminary results from the Ebro basin, Spain"
(link to abstract)
- 03/6/00 Expanding Your Horizons 2000>
(link to curent years EYH pages)
- 02/17/00, Barbara Henderson, ESH-6, LANL
"The Criticality Safety Information Resource Center at Los Alamos National Laboratory"
(link to abstract)
- 02/5/00, LAWIS awards at the Los Alamos Public Schools Science Fair
- 01/27/00, Tessa Dowell, TSA-4, LANL
"ReefNews presents - Bimini: Jewel of the Gulf Stream"
(link to abstract)
- 12/14/99, LAWIS Holiday party and Annual Meeting
(link to announcement)
- 12/9/99, Robi Mulford, NMT-15, LANL
"A Survey of Plutonium Characteristics as a Function of Age:
The ARIES Sampling Program"
(link to abstract)
- 12/2/99, Iris Brackett and Bill Swiderek, Prudential Securities
"The Y2K Crisis: Is Your Investment Portfolio Ready?"
(link to abstract)
- 11/16/99, Katherine Prestridge, DX-3, LANL
"Fluid Instabilities: Ongoing research and a practical demonstration"
(link to abstract)
- 10/21/99, Nancy L Scheer, NMT-15, LANL
"NDA Robot and Host Computer for the ARIES Weapons Dismantlement System"
(link to abstract)
- 10/15-17/99, NMNWSE Annual Meeting, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs
(link to NMNWSE annual meeting pages)
- 9/22/99, Cheryl Rofer, CST-7, LANL
"Travels in Estonia"
(link to abstract)
- 8/5/99, Angelique Neuman, NMT-9, LANL
"The Effects of Thermal Treatment on UO2 properties"
(link to abstract)
- 7/27/99, LAWIS/WDWG Career Panel Discussion on
"Career Options: A Student Focus",
facilitated by Nina Epperson, WDWG.
The panel discussion was followed by a student poster session hosted by the LANL Student Programs Office and Student Association.
(link to full announcement)
- 6/17/99, Harriet Kung, MST-8, LANL
"Nanostructured Materials: The Good, The Bad, and The Mysterious"
(link to abstract)
- 5/5/99, Morrison Bennett, LC-BPL, LANL
"Patentable Inventions"
(link to abstract)
- 4/22/99, Carol J. Burns, CST-18, LANL
"Nonaqueous Actinide Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry"
(link to abstract)
- 3/31/99, Dorothy Hoard, Retired
"The Old Fashioned Way"
(link to abstract)
- 3/99, LAWIS Awards at the 1999 Los Alamos County Science Fair
- 3/24/99, Expanding Your Horizons 1999
(link to EYH pages)
- 2/23/99, Deniece Korzekwa, MST-6, LANL
"Metal Casting: Experiments and Simulations"
(link to abstract)
- 1/27/99, Christine Zawodzinski, MST-11, LANL
"Research and Development of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells for
Commercial Applications"
(link to abstract)
- 12/16/98, LAWIS Annual Meeting and Holiday PotLuck
- 12/10/98, Tinka Gammel, T-1, LANL
"Grains and Grids"
(link to abstract)
- 11/17/98, Julie Johnston, ESH-20, LANL
"Deviating from the Standard Mean: A Women Scientist"
(link to abstract)
- 10/27/98, Cheryl Wampler, CIC-7, LANL
"From Music to Management"
(link to abstract)
- 10/23-25/98, NMNWSE Annual Meeting
- 9/16/98, Wendee Brunish, EES-DO, LANL
"Use of Canines in Scent Detection and Search Work" (with live demo!)
(link to abstract)
- 8/4/98, Joyce Guzik, X-TA, LANL
"Massive Exploding Stars:
The Variability and Outbursts of Luminous Blue Variable Stars"
(link to abstract)
- 7/27,28/98 (non-LAWIS event with several LAWIS participants),
Rebecca LaFave, Career Resource Center at UNM-LA
Panel Discussion on Occupations in the Sciences
- 7/10/98, LAWIS 1998 Summer Picnic
- 7/8/98, Betty Harris, NMT-1 CMR, LANL
"Sensitivity of Once Shocked, Weathered, High Explosives"
(link to abstract)
- 6/11/98, Jeanne Fair, EES-15, LANL
"The Ecological and Physiological Cost of Contaminants on Cavity Nesting Birds"
(link to abstract)
- 5/14/98, Wendee Brunish, EES-DO, LANL
"Report on the 25th Anniversary Conference on Women in Science and Engineering: Choices and Successes"
(link to abstract)
- 4/16/98, Carol Hogsett, GRA Representative at LANL
Jemez Geology Field Trip
- 4/7/98, Jan Frigo, NIS-1/CON, LANL
"Biologically motivationed autonomous vehicle control"
(link to abstract)
- 4/3-4/98, Field Trip to WIPP, Carlsbad Caverns, and Trinity Site
- 3/25/98, Expanding Your Horizons 1998
- 3/12/98, Teralene Foxx, ESH-20, LANL
"Birds, Bats, and Bees: An Ecologist's view
of why they are important to the Laboratory"
(link to abstract)
- 2/12/98, Ann Pendergrass, ESH-3, LANL
"Safety Analysis"
(link to abstract)
- 1/13/98, Laura Kraemer, PA-4, LANL
"AmeriCorps - a Service Experience"
(link to abstract)