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Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering LUNCHTIME TALK SERIES Tuesday, November 21, 2000 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, Otowi cafeteria side room C, LANL |
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TALK at 12:00: Noline Clark, C-18, LANL Novel Technologies for Reducing Nitrogen Oxide Emissions in Automotive Engine Exhaust |
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The U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments call for stringent emission standards for automobiles by the year 2004, specifically targeting nitrogen oxide emissions. The automotive industry has focused its attention on "lean-burn" engine designs, where the combustion fuel to air ratio is significantly less than that used in present-day engine technology. Existing catalytic converter technology does not work under these new conditions, therefore the development of new materials are required for the exhaust-handling systems. The American automotive industry has partnered with the national laboratories in an effort to address this challenge. Los Alamos has researched and developed zeolite-based materials that offer promising catalytic activity for this application.
Sideroom C is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 for people who like to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. You are welcome to come for just the talk at noon, and questions are encouraged!
For driving directions to Otowi Cafeteria (TA-3, building 261) at LANL, see:
(direct link to map showing the Otowi Building: http://nis-www.lanl.gov/cgi-bin/wthi?ta=3&bldg=261).
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