Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 15 6 pm, Kathy Prestridge's House |
Hello LAWIS! The time has come to celebrate another great year with LAWIS! Come celebrate with us on Friday December 15, 6 PM, at Kathy Prestridge's home. It is a potluck so please bring a dish. Thank you and hope to see everyone there! Please RSVP to Cathy Cleland ( |
Directions to Kathy Prestridge's home (2974-A Walnut): Take Diamond to the Conoco and turn right (38th). This road bears left 90 degrees and changes into Villa. Take this to the T at Aspen School. Turn left and then your first right onto Walnut. We are way down on the left in a blue duplex (the right-hand side of the house if you're facing it from the street). Number: 2974-A Walnut. Kathy's phone: 663-0184 |
Tuesday, January 16: Lunch-Time Talk Thursday, January 18: Lunch-Time Talk Date TBA (Feb): Lunch-Time Talk Date TBA (Feb): Lunch-Time Talk If you would like to receive electronic
LAWIS announcements, Please send email to Your host: Cathy Cleland,, 667-9028
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi Cafeteria Sideroom C, LANL
Laura A. Crotzer, CCS-2, LANL
Issues concerning the change to full day schooling (tenative title)
(link to abstract)
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi Cafeteria Sideroom C, LANL
Joanne R. Wendelberger, TSA-1, LANL
Assessment of Year-Round-School and Other Educational Issues
(link to abstract)
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi Cafeteria Sideroom C, LANL
Carol Ann Martz, HR-6-TD, LANL
Resources for Career Development (tentative title)
(link to abstract)
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi Cafeteria Sideroom C, LANL
Sue Bergauer, HR-7-DS, LANL
More Resources for Career Development (tentative title)
(link to abstract) (content ignored)
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