Los Alamos Women in Science
Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
sponsored by the
Synergy Center
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Bldg 1, Los Alamos Research Park
Synergy Center Conference Room, 3rd flr
Talk at 12:00

Theresa G. Connaughton, IM-5, LANL
and Los Alamos UPTE president

How UPTE makes a difference for scientists at LANL

University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) has been organizing at LANL since the amended California law, HEERA, that allows unionization at LANL took effect January 1, 2000. In just three years the organization has evolved into an effective voice for its members. This talk will focus on actions UPTE has taken that have addressed concerns of the UPTE TSM members at the local, institutional level, at state levels in New Mexico and California and the national level in Washington, D.C.


Theresa Gonzales Connaughton is President of UPTE at Los Alamos. She has held various offices in UPTE since she returned to LANL in 1999 after a three year stint as the Chief of Library Research at the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the U.N. in Rome, Italy. While in Italy she was a member of the Executive Board of the Association of Professional Staff at FAO, a union of professional staff. Theresa worked for 21 years in the Research Library at LANL as a professional librarian. She presently works in IM-5, Records Center and Archives as a Technical Information Specialist. She holds a B.A. from New Mexico State University and an M.S. from the University of Illinois.

Members and Nonmembers Welcome!
Open to the Public

The room is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 so people to can get together and network before and/or after the talk. Bring your lunch or pick up something at the Hot Rocks Java Cafe on the 2nd floor. You are welcome to come early, late, or for just the talk at noon, and questions are encouraged!

LunchTalk Location

Synergy Center Conference Room, 3rd floor, Bldg 1,
Los Alamos Research Park, 4200 West Jemez Road.

Use of the conference room was donated by the Synergy Center, an "economic development incubator" located in the Los Alamos Research Park with the goal of promoting development of R&D and technology business activities. Contact Monica McCoy at 661-4807 for more information on the Synergy Center.

You need a parking pass to park at the Research Park!

To get a parking permit in advance, you need to email or call Aurelia Sisneros, aurelia@losalamos.org, 663-5001, to get a numbered copy for yourself. To get a parking permit when you arrive for the LunchTalk, park in the (15 minute?) parking area just in front of the door to the Research Park building, run up to the 3rd floor where Aurelia (at the front desk in Synergy Center) or I will have permits available, then go back to your car and park it in a longer term spot, and return to the 3rd floor for the LunchTalk. Apologies for the inconvenience - the Research Park is working on improving the procedure to facilitate parking for legitimate purposes while still protecting it's parking from "LANL overflow".

detailed directions map with Bldg 1 highlighted




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LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Organizer: Tinka Gammel, jtg@lanl.gov, 667-9149
LAWIS home page: http://lawis.lanl.gov
NMNWSE home page: http://www.nmnwse.org
