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Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering LUNCHTIME TALK SERIES sponsored by the Synergy Center Wednesday, January 14, 2004 Bldg 1, Los Alamos Research Park Synergy Center Conference Room, 3rd flr Talk at 12:00 |
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Wendee Brunish, EES-11, LANL
Underground Nuclear Test Readiness: Geologic and Stemming Issues |
Between 1971 and the beginning of the nuclear test moratorium in 1992, LANL conducted 157 underground nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. For each of these tests, containment design, including hole selection, depth of burial determination, geologic characterization, stemming design, and prediction of test phenomena, was provided by the containment program (currently centered in the Geodynamics Group in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division). During this entire period, there was no release of any radioactivity to the accessible environment. Recent government mandates have required a reduction in the preparation time required to resume nuclear testing from three to five years down to 18 to 24 months. This reduced lead time requires that a number of activities be begun immediately, including containment activities. These containment activities fall into six major areas: hiring and training new personnel to serve as containment scientists, geologists, and modelers; updating and enhancing containment databases and database interfaces; developing modern 3-D stress wave codes; modifying porous flow codes to address containment issues; identifying and predicting performance of new stemming materials; and developing new containment diagnostics sensors and analysis software.
These activities will ensure that we can maintain our capability to contain underground nuclear tests well into the future and that, should testing resume, we will continue our perfect record for containment for all future tests.
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Members and Nonmembers Welcome! Open to the Public | ![]() |
The room is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 so people to can get together and network before and/or after the talk. Bring your lunch or pick up something at the Hot Rocks Java Cafe on the 2nd floor. You are welcome to come early, late, or for just the talk at noon, and questions are encouraged!
Synergy Center Conference Room, 3rd floor, Bldg 1,
Los Alamos Research Park, 4200 West Jemez Road.
Use of the conference room was donated by the Synergy Center, an "economic development incubator" located in the Los Alamos Research Park with the goal of promoting development
of R&D and technology business activities. Contact Aurelia
Sisneros, 663-5001, for more information on the Synergy Center.
Volunteers to speak are welcome!! - contact the LunchTalk organizer
If you would like to receive electronic
LAWIS announcements, Please send email to LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Organizer: Tinka Gammel, jtg@lanl.gov, 667-9149
No set agenda - just join us for lunch at Hot Rocks Java Cafe!
(look for the "LAWIS Networking" sign - we'll be outside if the weather is nice).
Next LAWIS Networking Brown Bag Lunch not yet set.
Petroglyphs and The Vecinos Project
Synergy Center Conference Room
(title tentative - more details coming soon!)
Lorna Greening, Economist, Energy and the Environment
The U.S. Spent Nuclear Fuel Legacy and the Sustainability of Nuclear Power
Synergy Center Conference Room
(title tentative - speaker may also/alternatively discuss
The Economic Future of Hydrogen)
Los Alamos Expanding Your Horizons
For more information visit http://lawis.lanl.gov/eyh
or contact Georgia Pedicini (667-8117 or gap@lanl.gov).
Albuquerque Expanding Your Horizons
For more information visit http://www.nmnwse.org
or contact Jennifer Cole
(286-7915 or colemaguire@earthlink.net) for a presenter sign-up form.
Tinka Gammel, 667-9149, jtg@lanl.gov
lawis-request@maillist.lanl.gov (content ignored)
for automated information on subscribing to the LAWIS listserver
(you do not need to be a member).
LAWIS home page: http://lawis.lanl.gov
NMNWSE home page: http://www.nmnwse.org