Thursday, 2/12/98
LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk and get-together
11:30 am - 1:30 pm, Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Talk at 12:00:
Ann Pendergrass, ESH-3, LANL
"Safety Analysis"
---- ABSTRACT ----
The second LAWIS lunch talk of 1998 is scheduled for noon Thursday, Feb. 12, when Ann Pendergrass of ESH-3, LANL, has agreed to speak on her career in the field of Safety Analysis. Ann will touch on both what this field entails, as well as giving highlights and insights from her own career path.
The room is reserved from 11:30-1:30 for those of you who would like to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. You are welcome to come for just the talk at noon.
This page maintainted by  
Carol LaDelfe