-- LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Series: Los Alamos Women in Science, Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering, will host a "Lunch-Time Talk and get-together" in the LANL Otowi Cafeteria Side Room C. At 12:00 noon,   Teralene Foxx, ESH-20, LANL, will speak on ``Birds, Bats, and Bees: An Ecologist's view of why they are important to the Laboratory". Side Room C is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 for people who wish to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. Non-members are welcome. Contact Tinka Gammel for more information. ========================================================================= LOS ALAMOS WOMEN IN SCIENCE Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering LUNCH-TIME TALK SERIES ========================================================================= DATE: Thursday, 3/12/98 START: 11:30 am END: 1:30 pm WHAT: LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk and get-together Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL TALK AT 12:00: "Birds, Bats, and Bees: An Ecologist's view of why they are important to the Laboratory" by Teralene Foxx, ESH-20, LANL ---- ABSTRACT ---- Terralene Foxx will discuss the Laboratory as a natural refuge, and the environmental studies related to the biota which she has been involved in over the past years. She will relate how she believes understanding the natural environment is important to the Laboratory's programs. This should be a very interesting talk! I hope to see you there! --> Non-members Welcome! <-- Sideroom C is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 for people who wish to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. You are welcome to come for just the talk at 12:00. ------------ REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEER ------------ Therese Quintana has volunteered her time to help with EYH the past few years. Now she is looking for someone else to volunteer their time to help the Espanola Schools: "Do you know any SCIENTIST that is willing to go speak with the Espanola Middle School science class? Don't know if anyone has ever done it in the last few years. I do know that it has to be someone who is open-minded, treats people with dignity and respect, and is willing to take a few insults from kids that don't know any better. There are some kids that REALLY want to learn and need the advice, and the opportunity a scientist be able to open the door to. Thanks!" Therese J. Quintana Office Administrator LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY Earth & Environmental Sciences: EES/CEP Ph: 505-667-6385/Fax: 505-665-3681 E-mail: ------------ UPCOMING LAWIS EVENTS ------------ SEE ALSO SIGNUP SHEETS AT END A complete list of upcoming LAWIS events can be found on the LAWIS home page at 1) Wed. Mar. 25: Expanding Your Horizons 1998 Contact Alexine Salazar (, 7-1785) or Joyce Guzik (, 7-8927) if you'd like to help! 2) Tue. Apr. 7; Next Lunch-Time talk Biologically motivationed autonomous vehicle control Jan Frigo, NIS-1/CON, LANL 3) Fri/Sat Apr. 3/4: Tour of WIPP/visit to Trinity site Signup sheet attached below!! 4) Thu, Apr. 16: All-Day Field Trip AM: Jemez Geology Field Trip; PM: Milagro Gamma Ray Burst Observatory Signup sheet attached below!! -- Tinka Gammel LAWIS Newsletter Editor 667-9149, ========================================================================= Attachment 1: Calendar of LANL events for Women's History Month (March) --------------------------------------------------------- (see also All March: "Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Women's Rights Movement" Display, Otowi Lobby March 5: "Why Does Women's History Matter?" Kay Leigh Hagan--feminist writer Study Center, Jemez Room, 12:00-1:00 March 9-31: "Women Making Tomorrow's History" Poster Exhibit: Works by Students from Northern New Mexico Santa Clara Gallery, upstairs in the Study Center March 10: "Once Upon a Time You Trusted Yourself" Gloria Cordova--PA-4 Group Leader ** and LAWIS member ** Materials Science Laboratory Auditorium, 12:00-1:00 March 19: "Career Mobility--Why Aren't YOU Getting Ahead?" Panel Discussion, Study Center, Jemez Room, 12:00-1:00 March 24: "Strange Bedfellows: Lesbians, Gays, and Feminists," Shane Phelan--Director of UNM Women's Studies Study Center, Jemez Room, 12:00-1:00 ========================================================================= Attachment 2: Sign-Up Sheet for Tour of WIPP/visit to Trinity site; Fri/Sat Apr. 3/4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU SENT BACK THE "PRELIMINARY INTEREST" FORM (OR ARE NOT INTERESTED) YOU DO NOT NEED TO SEND THIS FORM BACK If you think you might join us, please return by ** March 13 ** to me (Tinka Gammel,, MS B221, 7-9149, Fax 5-5757, email preferred) (Note for late repliers - I am on travel Mar 16-20, so try and get it to me by the above "deadline"; but if you can't the deadline is "ASAP".) You do not need to be a LAWIS member to come. Children under 18 may not "go underground" at WIPP (their regulation; about 1 hour of the 4 hour tour), but otherwise are welcome. By popular vote, we will stay in a cheap hotel rather than try and camp. Re when to go down and when to return: there was enough interest expressed that I am thinking that even if we carpool we can probably have a few groups going down/returning at different times to accommodate different schedules/interests. So check your favorite times and I'll try and coordinate this. ------------------------------- APR 3 WIPP SIGNUP SHEET interest in the tour: ___definite ___maybe ( ___future ) interested in seeing WIPP Friday Apr 3, 12-4PM: ___YES ___NO interested in seeing Trinity site Saturday Apr 4 (all morning): ___YES ___NO interested in seeing Carlsbad Caverns ___Not interested ___just watch bats Fri evening ___Friday AM ___Friday PM (note conflicts with WIPP) ___Saturday AM (note conflicts with Trinity) ___Saturday PM ___Sunday AM if interested in seeing Carlsbad Caverns, interested in a tour to a less traveled part of the cavern? ___YES ___NO [the preliminary responses were heavily in favor: I'll see what I can arrange....] would like to go down ___Thu PM ___Fri AM ___Fri PM (skip WIPP) would like to return ___Sat PM ___Sun AM ___Sun PM ___Fri PM (skip Trinity) other info/comments:_____________________________________________ ========================================================================= Attachment 3: Sign-Up Sheet for All-Day Field Trip; Thu, Apr. 16 -------------------------------------------------- AM: Jemez Geology Field Trip; PM: Milagro Gamma Ray Burst Observatory Carol Hogsett, GRA Representative at LANL and geologist by training (you may remember the excellent talk she gave to LAWIS last fall), will be conducting a tour to the Jemez and the Milagro Gamma Ray Burst Observatory on April 16th for several SERS/URS students here at LANL. She has graciously volunteered to make this a LAWIS event as well. You do not need to be a LAWIS member to come. The field trip will last all day, and we will need to carpool since parking a bunch of cars along the road at the various stops can be tricky. Please send me (Tinka Gammel,, 7-9149) the following info by April 7 if you would like to join this field trip: Apr. 16 LAWIS Field Trip Sign-Up Name:__________________________ Telephone:_____________________ Email:_________________________ I do not know if it is possible to join for only 1/2 the trip, but let me know if this would work better for you (and which 1/2: ___ AM/Jemez ___ PM/Milagro ). There is no limit to the number of people. All participants should bring a lunch and water. Depart 8AM, probably from Study Center (to be determined when we make carpooling arrangements). If you can't make it this time, but might like to go on either or both 1/2's of this trip at a later date, let me know: Carol is willing to lead another trip later this summer if there is interest. =========================================================================