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Thursday, December 10, 1998
Talk at 12:00: Tinka Gammel, T-1, LANL Grains and Grids |
"I will give a general overview of my research interests in the field of condensed matter physics, trying to explain why I find it fun to stare at a computer all day."
Sideroom C is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 for people who like to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. You are welcome to come for just the talk at noon.
There will be a brief LAWIS steering committee meeting at 1PM (following the talk; LAWIS steering committee meetings are open if you are interested in participating).
Kathy Lovell's talk, previously advertized for this time slot, has been rescheduled to next September.
LAWIS members are reminded that their ballots for 1999 LAWIS officers are due on Monday, December 14 (contact Wendee M. Brunish, 667-5724, wb@lanl.gov, Mailstop F659, if you did not receive your ballot and wish to vote).
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Due to a family emergency for Carol LaDelfe the location of the LAWIS Holiday Party has been changed.
Wendee Brunish has graciously volunteered to take over hosting the LAWIS Annual Meeting and Holiday PotLuck in her home at 162 Chamisa St, Los Alamos.
The schedule will be:
Directions to Wendee's house:
On Barranca Mesa, take the first left, and it is the third
house on the right: a big gray house with lots of Christmas lights.
If you need additional information, contact Wendee at 667-5724, wb@lanl.gov,
or 662-3252.
You are welcome to come for just the pre-meeting social, the meeting, or the dinner as your schedule permits. As at all LAWIS events, non-members are also welcome.
There is no need to RSVP regarding what you are bringing to the PotLuck:
we are counting on the laws of probability to insure you will get a
balanced meal: after all, this is a "season of faith" in many religions!
If you would like to receive electronic
LAWIS announcements, Please send email to LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Organizer: Sharon Thomas, sthomas@lanl.gov
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Christine Zawodzinski, MST-11, LANL,
"Research and Development of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells for
Commercial Applications"
Abstract: This talk will describe Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell
technology and how it is being developed for various commercial
applications such as zero-emission neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs),
home-based stationary power, and portable power.
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Deniece Korzekwa, MST-6, LANL, title TBA
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Dorothy Hoard, Retired, title TBA
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Carol J. Burns, CST-18, title TBA
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Angelique Newman, NMT-9, title TBA
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Harriet Kung, MST-8, title TBA
Panel Discussion on Careers led by Rebecca LaFave, UNM-LA
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Laura Jones, EES-5, title TBA
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Kathy J. Lovell, LANSCE-12, title TBA
lawis-request@listman.lanl.gov (content ignored)
for automated information on subscribing to the LAWIS listserver
(you do not need to be a member).
LAWIS home page: /home/lawis/LAWIShome.html
NMNWSE home page: http://ladmac.lanl.gov/NMNWSE/NMNWSE.html