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Wednesday, March 31, 1999
Talk at 12:00: Dorothy Hoard, Retired "The Old Fashioned Way" |
"I presume most people have heard of me through my books on the outdoor areas around Los Alamos. For this presentation for the Los Alamos Women in Science, I would like to look back briefly on my life leading up to employment at LANL as a technician in analytical chemistry, during which time I wrote the books. Then I would like to share some adventures resulting from a petroglyph survey my friend, Betty Litlienthal, and I conducted in Los Alamos County."
"I retired from the lab in 1997 at the age of 65. After a lifetime of wondering "What shall I be when I grow up," I can look back and see how a vocation in analytical chemistry integrated with a life-long avocational love of the outdoors. If there is a message in my talk, it will be that what you think of the events in your life are as (or more) important as the events themselves."
Sideroom A is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 for people who like to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. You are welcome to come for just the talk at noon, and questions are encouraged!
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11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Carol J. Burns, CST-18, "Nonaqueous Actinide Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry"
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Morrison Bennett, LC-BPL, "Patentable Inventions"
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Harriet Kung, MST-8, "Nanostructured Materials: The Good, The Bad, and The Mysterious"
"Careers Success: Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology"
12:00-1:00, Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
The panel will be led by Rebecca LaFave, UNM-LA Career Center Coordinator.
Volunteers for the panel are welcome!!
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Angelique Neuman, NMT-9, "The Effects of Thermal Treatment on UO2"
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Cheryl Rofer, CST-7, "Travels in Estonia"
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Laura Jones, EES-5, title TBA
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LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Organizer: Sharon Thomas, sthomas@lanl.gov
LAWIS home page: http://home.lanl.gov/lawis
NMNWSE home page: http://www.nmnwse.org