Los Alamos Women in Science

Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering


Thursday, October 21, 1999

LAWIS lunchtime Talk and get-together
11:30 am - 1:30 pm, Otowi cafeteria side room C, LANL

Talk at 12:00:
Nancy Scheer, NMT-15, LANL
"NDA Robot and Host Computer for the
ARIES Weapons Dismantlement System"


The Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System (ARIES) has been developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory to demonstrate the technologies involved in dismantling nuclear weapons and converting the plutonium to forms for long-term storage or disposition. This system is a prototype for the production facility to be built at the Savannah River Site. The ARIES non-destructive assay (NDA) subsystem consists of four computer-based assay instruments, a robot to load and unload the instruments, and a host computer to schedule measurements, direct the activities of the robot, monitor sensors giving system status and configuration, and archive the results of assays.

The NDA robot is a three axes, overhead gantry in a Cartesian configuration, which is used to move sealed canisters of nuclear material throughout an eight-foot platform containing the four NDA instruments. The z-axis contains a force sensor used to detect collisions and to determine contact with an item to be gripped. A digital camera for reading data matrix codes is also mounted on the z-axis. Robot motion can be controlled by the host computer or locally from the robot controller. Manual operations utilize a handheld pendant. The robot reduces the operator radiation dose compared to the dosage associated with manual handling of the canisters.

--> Nonmembers Welcome! <-- 

Sideroom C is reserved from 11:30 to 1:30 for people who like to eat earlier or later, and informal discussion. You are welcome to come for just the talk at noon, and questions are encouraged!

For driving directions to Otowi Cafeteria (TA-3, building 261) at LANL, see: http://www.lanl.gov/tools/maps
(direct link to map showing the Otowi Building: http://nis-www.lanl.gov/cgi-bin/wthi?ta=3&bldg=261).




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LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Organizer: Huyen Dinh, dinh@lanl.gov, 665-0737
LAWIS home page: http://home.lanl.gov/lawis
NMNWSE home page: http://www.nmnwse.org
