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Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering HOLIDAY PARTY & ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, December 14, 1999 |
OF LOS ALAMOS WOMEN IN SCIENCE Please join us for our combined annual meeting and Holiday party on Tuesday, December 14, beginning at 5:30 pm at Wendee Brunish's home. Wendee's home is on Barranca Mesa at 162 Chamisa St. (662-3252). Take North San Ildefonso (after loop-around), first left on Chamisa, third house on the right. Drinks and dinnerware will be provided. Bring your favorite dish to share. New Steering Committee members will be announced (Ballots to be sent out Dec. 9) as well as any other chapter news.
![]() ![]() Hope to see you there! (click here for postable announcement)
Thursday, January 27: Lunch-Time Talk
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Tessa Dowell, TSA-4, LANL
"ReefNews presents - Bimini: Jewel of the Gulf Stream"
(link to abstract)
Thursday, February 17: Lunch-Time Talk
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Barbara Henderson, ESH-6, LANL
"The Criticality Safety Information Resource Center at Los Alamos
National Laboratory"
(link to abstract)
Tuesday, March 14: Lunch-Time Talk
11:30-1:30 (talk at 12:00), Otowi cafeteria sideroom C, LANL
Claudia J. Lewis, EES-1, LANL
"Using Quaternary dating methods, stratigraphy and patterns of
stream incision to constrain models of post-orogenic rock uplift:
Preliminary results from the Ebro basin, Spain"
(link to abstract)
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LAWIS announcements, Please send email to
lawis-request@listman.lanl.gov (content ignored)
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(you do not need to be a member).
LAWIS Lunch-Time Talk Organizer: Huyen Dinh, dinh@lanl.gov, 665-0737
LAWIS home page: http://home.lanl.gov/lawis
NMNWSE home page: http://www.nmnwse.org