Los Alamos Women in Science
Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering

sponsored by
the   Synergy Center  ,   the   Zocher Corporation
and the Bradbury Science Museum
Talk at 12:00, Thursday, June 9, 2005
Bradbury Science Museum Auditorium
15th and Central, Los Alamos

Stephani Sandoval, Forest Health Specialist, NMSU Coop. Ext. Services
What's Bugging the Forest?

Stephani's talk will cover the change in the forest since fire suppression, the conditions of today, and the common insects seen. She will cover the bark beetle and where it stands today, as well as some other insects affecting the forest and their roll in the ecosystem.

Biography -- Stephani Sandoval is the Forest Health Specialist. Her office is located in Santa Fe. Stephani works statewide providing educational programs to provide information on tree pests to homeowners and land managers. She received her M.S. in Forest Resources at the University of Idaho where her research dealt with bark beetles, woodborers and their predators' establishments in intentionally- created snags in harvested stands. See http://spectre.nmsu.edu/dept/welcome.html?t=plant for more information on the the Extension Plant Sciences Department of NMSU.

Members and Nonmembers Welcome!
Open to the Public

(originally scheduled for March 15; rescheduled to June 9 due to March 15 snowstorm)

LunchTalks webpage: https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/lunchtalks