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Northern Chapter of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering LUNCHTIME TALK SERIES https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/lunchtalks Talk at 12:00, Thursday, October 13, 2005 Bradbury Science Museum Auditorium 15th and Central, Los Alamos |
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Lorna Greening, Energy and the Environment, Los Alamos
Where Does the Hydrogen Come From: Potential Market Penetration in the US of Low- or No-Carbon, Energy Secure Sources |
Hydrogen has been proposed as a solution to declining domestic resources of fossil fuels, and environmental problems such as climate change and air quality. However, as well explored by other analyses, technical and economic barriers exist to the wide-spread adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the US. For those involved in developing policy in this area or developing an R&D program to address barriers to hydrogen penetration, the following questions need to be answered:
Biography -- Dr. Greening has over 25 years experience in the energy industry, including experience in consulting, research, academia, the public utility industry, and the petroleum industry. She is an energy and natural resource economist with expertise on domestic and international energy supply and demand, air and water quality, and regulation. Currently, her research is focusing on energy system modeling of US energy policy and the role of new technologies or alternative forms of energy in reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. Part of this work involves real option valuation of Federal energy R&D.
A more detailed abstract and biography, and the salient features of the Expanded US MARKAL framework being developed for this analysis, are available at https://archive.nmnwse.org/lawis/lunchtalks/lt051013_model.doc.
Adobe pdf copy of the talk slides
Link to IAEE 1st Quarter 2005 newletter -- see article by L.A. Greening on p. 22, Hydrogen Strategies Under Uncertainty: Risk Averse Choices for 'Hydrogen' Pathway Development.
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