PO Box 1360
Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544 USA.
Current Policies and Procedures
Dark Sky Resolution
April 2001 version of the NMNWSE Policies and Procedures
Retained for archival purposes only.
The Executive Committee of the Network for Women in Science and Engineering- consists of the officers of the Board of Directors. These officers are the President, the immediate Past President, the Vice President/President-Elect, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
- Coordinates and chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Network.
- Arranges for meeting location.
- Establishes the agenda.
- Sends out agenda and minutes of the previous meeting prior to the meeting.
- Chairs the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
- Represents the Network or designates an alternate to represent the Network.
- Represents the Board of Directors at Expanding Your Horizons Conferences.
- Disburses Network funds in the absence of the Treasurer.
- Chairs the annual meeting of the Network.
- Contributes to further seeing the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Provides a sense of continuity and memory for the recent past.
- Acts as a resource for the President.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Represents the Board of Directors in the absence of the President.
- Performs the duties of the President when requested by the President or the Board of Directors.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Records the minutes for all meetings of the Board of Directors and submits these to the President prior to the following meeting.
- Records minutes for the annual Network business meeting.
- Handles correspondence for the Board.
- Maintains records according to the standard policy on Maintenance of Records (Policy POL1)
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Handles the finances of the Network according to the standard procedure on Finances (Procedure PRO1).
- Issues rebates to the local chapters according to the standard policy on Chapter Rebates (Policy POL2)
- Submits renewal of the registration and fee for nonprofit organizations each year to the New Mexico Corporation Commission.
- Presents the annual financial report at the annual business meeting.
- Provides assistance in the maintenance of an up-to-date membership list.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
To allow for smooth transition, standing committee chairs are appointed prior to the annual meeting according to Article VIII, Section 8.1 of the Network Bylaws.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Chairs a committee to establish a slate for election of Network officers and members of the Board of Directors according to the standard procedure on Elections (Procedure PRO2).
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Maintains the records of the Network according to the standard policy for Record Archiving (Policy POL3) for the previous 5 years.
- Provides archived material to Network members as requested.
- Provides materials as needed for display at Network meetings.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors meetings.
- Provides publicity for Network activities such as EYH Conferences and annual meetings.
- Is responsible for ensuring that photographs are taken at annual meetings.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings
- Publishes the newsletter according to the standard procedure on the Newsletter (Procedure PRO3).
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Chairs a committee to organize and put on the Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium of the Network according the standard procedure on the annual meeting (Procedure PRO4)
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Coordinates all of the EYH Conferences according to the standard procedure on EYH Conferences (Procedure PRO5).
- Is responsible for purchasing One-Day Event Liability Insurance or obtaining a written Certificate of Insurance from the site's General Liability Insurance Carrier or agent for all EYH Conference sites. A copy of the policy and/or certificate should be provided to the EYH Conference Chairs.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Maintains the membership database according to the standard policy on Membership Database (Policy POL4).
- Publishes an annual membership directory according to the standard procedure on Membership directory (Procedure PRO6).
- Answers queries from persons requesting information regarding membership.
- Sends out requests for renewal when the dues are 60 days in arrears.
- Develops new membership forms as needed.
- Sends mailing labels to those members of the board requesting them for newsletters, meetings, and board meetings.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Solicits moneys for the EYH Conferences according to the standard procedure for fund raising (Procedure PRO7).
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends Board of Directors Meetings.
- Manages and maintains the Network web side according to Procedure PRO9. (Procedure PRO9)
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
Special Committees are formed and chairs appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors as required.
- Is appointed as required by the Executive Committee from the members of the Board of Directors.
- Updates officer and committee chair duties as approved by the Board of Directors.
- Adds and/or modifies policies and procedures as approved by the Board of Directors.
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is appointed as required by the Executive Committee from the members of the Board of Directors.
- Chairs a committee to select for award young women exhibiting at the New Mexico Science Fair held at Socorro according to the standard policy for State Science Fair (Procedure PRO8).
- Contributes to furthering the work of the Board of Directors and the Network.
- Is appointed and operates as defined in Article VI, Section 7.5 of the Network Bylaws.
- Is appointed as required by the Executive Committee from the members of the Board of Directors.
- Chairs a committee to recommend additions and/or changes to the Network Bylaws according to Article XI, Section 11.1 of the Network Bylaws.
The Secretary will keep minutes, financial statements, current bylaws, and other records for the two previous years. These are to be available at meetings of the Board of Directors and at the annual meetings. Older records are to be kept in the archives.
A sample packet, any brochures, and the conference report for each EYH Conference will be kept in the archives.(back to "Secretary"
In June, the Treasurer and Membership Chair jointly determine the number of professional full year and half year memberships in each chapter of the Network. The Treasurer then issues payment to each chapter for the appropriate membership rebate. The rebate is $105.00 for professional full year membership.s, $2.50 for half year memberships and $0 for student and unemployed professional memberships. Retired and student/unemployed memberships are not eligible for rebates. back to "Treasurer"
The records to be archived include
- Bylaws
- Minutes - board meetings, annual meetings, special meetings
- Treasurer's reports
- Newsletters
- Programs and abstracts from annual meetings and other meetings of the membership
- Correspondence
- EYH materials - brochures, programs, sample packets, instructions for committees, etc.
- News clippings
- Photographs
- Any other material the Board of Directors deems worthy of retention.
The membership database is in a computer database dBase3 plus. Information on a new member is added within
three days of receiving the completed membership form. Renewals in the computer show the new expiration date and any new information that was shown on the renewal form.
Names of non members will be added periodically to allow them to receive information about the membership. These names will be maintained in the database for six months unless the individual joins the Network. If the person does not join after six months the name is deleted from the database.
The membership information is kept confidential. The mailing list is not supplied outside of the Network.
Board members are encouraged to car pool for board meetings outside their home city.
However all board members or delegates will be reimbursed for travel whether or not they are able to car pool. Mileage will be reimbursed at cost or IRS business rate. Hotel accommodations will also be reimbursed. Reimbursement will be made upon submittal of an expense statement to the treasurer. If the travel budget has been exceeded the reimbursement may require board approval.
Board members will be reimbursed for long distance calls and other expenses such as postage as approved by the Board upon submittal of an expense statement to the treasurer.
Board members will be reimbursed for other expenses approved by the board of Directors. After approval, reimbursement will be made upon submittal of an expense statement to the treasurer.
All income received by the Network is received by the Treasurer and deposited in the checking account within one week. All bills for payment or reimbursement are to be provided to the Treasurer, who is to make payment from the Network checking account in a timely manner.
The Treasurer maintains records of income and expenditure according to the budget categories that are approved by the Network membership at the annual meeting. A written report is presented at each board meeting identifying 1) income and expenditures for the current reporting period and for the year-to-date according to the approved budget categories and 2) money on hand in the checking account and savings account.
Books close September 30. All bills for the fiscal year must be submitted prior to that date for reimbursement.
At the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer submits the financial records of the Network for audit according to Article VII, Section 7.5 of the Network Bylaws. The financial status of the Network and the report of the Auditing Committee is presented at the annual meeting.
The Chair of the Election Committee supervises the establishment of a slate of candidates. In accomplishing this, she must become familiar with Article IV, Sections 4.1 through 4.3 and Article V of the Network Bylaws and have available a list of the terms of the current officers and the Directors.
The nominating process begins in the spring. The slate of candidates is to be completed and the mailing labels provided to the Election Committee by the August board meeting. The ballots are to be mailed out within one week following this meeting with a return required by September 15. Ballots may be sent out with the annual meeting announcement. The Chair of the Election Committee appoints others to count or counts with others the ballots received. The election results are announced at the annual meeting.
The Network Newsletter is published by the State Newsletter Committee at least four times per year. Members of the Newsletter Committee seek and write news items and solicit contributions of articles of interest to the membership. In order to assure that the newsletter is distributed in a timely fashion, labels are requested from the Membership Chair two weeks prior to mailing the newsletter. The Newsletter Committee then reproduces, addresses, stamps and mails the newsletter.
A special newsletter describing the Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium is the responsibility of the Annual Meeting Chair.
The annual meeting of the Network is held in the fall during October. The Chair of the Annual Meeting ensures that the following occur:
- A budget, date, and location for the meeting are developed and presented at the June meeting of the Board of Directors.
- A bank account is opened, if needed.
- The symposium and meeting are advertised.
- The request for papers is prepared and distributed in June.
- A technical program is prepared.
- Arrangements are made for any hotel, meals, meeting rooms and presentation needs.
- The special newsletter describing the annual meeting is published and mailed
- The Network will provide scholarships to the annual meeting for registration. The maximum number of scholarships that may be awarded is 8 to unemployed or student members. Scholarships will be administered by the Annual Meeting Committee.
- Attendees are registered.
- Speakers are invited and their needs are accommodated.
- A complete, written financial statement of income and expenses for the meeting is submitted to the Board of Directors at the December board meeting.
The State EYH Coordinator provides to the local EYH Chairs advice, materials, and information on speakers and professionals that are willing to participate. She maintains contact with the Math/Science Network for new materials and ideas.
Successful coordination of the State EYH Conferences is accomplished by working with and seeing that each local Conference Chair:
- Submits the conference budget to the Board of Directors no later than the board meeting immediately prior to the Conference.
- Submits all necessary reporting within one month after conclusion of the conference.
- No funds will be distributed by the state treasurer until the board receives the conference budget.
A membership directory is printed annually and distributed to all paid members of the Network. The, format of the directory is decided by the, Board of Directors at the December board meeting. The State Membership Chair prints out the information from the membership database in the agreed-upon formats and gives the information to the person or print shop doing the printing. directories are mailed to members.
A letter is mailed each year to New Mexico businesses at the discretion of the Fund Raising Chair. A standard form serves as a record keeper for each company. This form contains information such as: company name, address, contact person, the date the letter was sent, replies, comments and date of thank-you letter.
Chapter fund raising efforts shall be coordinated with the State board Fund Raising Chair to avoid duplication of effort and to maintain an accurate record of donations.
Prior to the end of the calendar year, the Chair of the State Science Fair Awards Committee identifies the date and exhibit categories for the Science and Engineering Fair and presents suggestions on the awards to the Board (how many, which categories, how much) early enough to get the necessary award forms, awards and judges names submitted before the deadline (mid-February). Information on the Science Fair is obtained from
New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Campus Station, P. 0. Box 3732
Socorro, NM 87801
The committee chair then selects a panel of judges and supervises the selection of the award winners. It is strongly suggested that the names of entrants in the selected categories be obtained prior to the Science and Engineering Fair so that judging assignments can be made. Names, addresses and social security numbers for the winners are obtained and furnished to the Treasurer. The chair then coordinates the presentation of the awards to the winners.
The Network web site is maintained on an "as-needed" basis, with pertinent news, announcements, resource links, and any other information as desired by members or suggested by the web chair (webmaster).
Content may be placed on the site at the discretion of the Webmaster. The Board of Directors will decide questions of appropriate content.
The domain name, NMNWSE.ORG, was registered originally in November 1998. Registration is $35 per year, paid 2 years at a time, to "Network Solutions, Inc".
Date of last revision: April 2001