Our Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium, held each fall, provides an opportunity to present technical papers in a supportive environment. It also provides professional development and networking opportunities.
Join us at NMNWSE's Annual Meeting (AM 2018)
October 19 - 21, 2018
Embassy Suites Hotel
1000 Woodward Place NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
- Annual Meeting brochure (PDF)
- Pay for registration via PayPal
- Or by mailing a check to Jeanne Banks. See brochure for details.
Keynote Speaker: Julia Fulghum, UNM
- "Advancing Women in STEM through Institutional Transformation"
- Abstract and bio
Annual NMNWSE IMPACT! Award to be presented
- Casey DeRaad is the 2018 IMAPCT! Award winner
- IMPACT! Award information
2018-19 NMNWSE Board to be elected
- Online voting through Oct 19, 2018 or in person at the Annual Meeting.
- Please contact the NMNWSE Board if you would be interested in helping with Board activities.
Meeting Details
Please contact the NMNWSE Board if you have any questions about the meeting.Schedule
- Saturday
- 11am-12pm; Check-in/Registration
12-1:30pm; IMPACT! Luncheon
Speaker: Dr. Julia Fulghum, UNM
"Advancing Women in STEM through Institutional Transformation"
Abstract and bio - 2-4:30pm; Annual Meeting
- 5-6:30pm; Wine/cheese reception
- There will be some plan for going to dinner for those who are interested
- 9-11am; Board Meeting
- Full Registration: $80 (or pay online $82.95)
- IMPACT! Luncheon Only: $30 (or pay online $31.10)
- Reception Only: $15 (or pay online $15.55)
Reserve your room at Embassy Suites using the group link, or use group code NFW.
Reserve by September 28 to get the group rate.
Students, teachers, and non-employed members presenting posters can apply for a meeting scholarship to cover meeting registration fees - to apply just check the appropriate box on the registration form and provide a brief justification (eg, 'student presenting paper'). The scholarship covers the conference registration, receptions, and conference dinner. In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to provide full scholarships to cover lodging, all meals, and some transportation - please indicate in the justification if you feel your circumstances justify a full scholarship or other special consideration.