Think About College Now!
Any High School Graduate Can get a Virtually Free Education
by Tony Oviedoª

Juniors, if you haven't started to look at colleges, it would be best to start now.

How, you say? Well, I'll tell you: go to the counselor's office as soon as you can and give him or her a list of colleges that you might be interested in. If you don't do it this school year, there's no way you can get the best deal possible. If you don't have a case of wanderlust and don't mind staying in state, then it's simple. You can wait to get your scholarship applications and admissions forms early next school year.

If you are under the impression that scholarships are exclusively for the smart kids, you're wrong. Anyone graduating from high school can get a virtually free education, that is, in New Mexico, of course.

It's simple. All you have to do is apply for all the scholarships that you quality for, and if you don't get one of those, you automatically receive the Lottery Scholarship. It may seem like a lot of work, but in actuality it only takes a couple of hours. It's the easiest money you'll ever make.

Now, for all the seniors: If you have done nothing toward college at this point, go talk to your counselor and pray.

ªManaging Editor, Bobcat's Eye, McCurdy School
(Used with permission from Albuquerque Journal North and the author, January 1998.)