Cover Letters

A cover letter should accompany your resume and be addressed to the person doing the hiring. Usually, cover letters consist of four paragraphs. The first paragraph is interest-generating. Use the name of a personal contact that referred you to the position or your knowledge about the company to catch the eye of the reader. The first paragraph also states or implies interest in employment with the company or organization.

The second and third paragraphs are interchangeable. One gives a background summary of your experience and education and the other is a "value-selling" paragraph highlighting your key strengths, skills and abilities and describing how they will benefit the employer.

The last paragraph compels follow-up action. State that you will call the employer on a specified date to follow-up on your resume or to arrange for an interview. Of course, if you say you're going to do it, you have to do it!

You may close the letter with a statement of appreciation such as "Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to meeting you."

Place your cover letter and resume in a nicely addressed envelope, stamp it, and send it off!

Joanne M. Wambeke, M.Ed., NCC
Santa Fe Community College
P. O. Box 4187
Santa Fe, NM 87502-4187