Adult Programs

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The 2010 Albuquerque EYH conference features two adult programs held in parallel with the student career workshops. Both programs begin with the Keynote Event, a panel discussion featuring four dynamic young women who have chosen a technical career field, which the students also attend. Then the the programs separate into a for-credit course targeting Educators and Counselors, and a more informal program targeting Parents and other adults who accompany students to EYH. Both Programs re-join the students for the Closing Session. Participation by accompanying adults in either of these adult programs is optional, but registration ($5) is required for those who wish to attend, and accompanying adults are not permitted to attend the Student Workshops.

Program for Educators and Counselors

 3/30:  Due to low registration numbers the Program for Educators and Counselors may be cancelled. If cancelled, registered attendees can either join the Program for Parents and other Accompanying Adults (see below), or request a refund.

Program for Educators and Counselors
7:00 - 8:00am Registration
8:00 - 8:45am Keynote Event, with students
Panel Discussion featuring four dynamic young women who have chosen a technical career field
9:00am - 12:00noon Santa Fe Community College course STEM 115
STEM-focused Team-based Design
12:30 - 1:00pm Closing Session, with students

The Santa Fe Community college course STEM 115, STEM-focused Team-based Design, implements concepts of team-based design by using an engineering/design problem solving method that is focused with team-based activities to engage under-represented females and minorities into STEM-based careers. 1 credit-hour will be awarded, and remaining course will be available online, approx. 6-8 hours of additional online work.

Registration is $5. Note that educators who don’t want to take the class for credit may audit the course, but registration is still required.

Funded by: Non-traditional Career Pathways grant through NM Public Education Dept.

See the registration page for the registration form and other registration details.

Program for Parents and other Accompanying Adults

Program for Parents and other Accompanying Adults

7:00 - 8:00am Registration
8:00 - 8:45am Keynote Event, with students
Panel Discussion featuring four dynamic young women who have chosen a technical career field
9:00-9:50am CNM Programs including information about dual credit between CNM and NM high schools
Patricia Gamboa, Achievement Coach, Mathematics, Science & Engineering
and Julie Fisher, Interim Director, School Relations
Central NM Community College
9:50 - 10:20am Networking Break
10:20 - 11:10am Preparing to Finance A College Education
Annette Kaus, Director of Financial Aid
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
11:25am - 12:00noon Science Inquiry Playing Games an Exploring Epidemiology and Ecosystems
Paige Prescott and Betsy Frederick, Facilitators
Project GUTS Growing Up Thinking Scientifically
12:30 - 1:00pm Closing Session, with students

Here is your chance to find out more about academic college preparation, paying for college and keeping girls interested in science and math. This year's program will feature:

  • a fun science activity session using hand held PDAs (like phones)
  • a presentation about what Central New Mexico Community College has to offer
  • a discussion of options to fund your kid's college education

The program for Parents and other Accompanying Adults will be coordinated by Paige Prescott from Project GUTS and the Santa Fe EYH.

Registration is $5.
See the registration page for the registration form and other registration details.