Registration Deadline for Groups of 10 or more: March 21, 2009
Registration Deadline for Groups of less than 10: March 25, 2009
Registration Deadline for Individuals: March 25, 2009
Adult Program Registration Fee: $5.00 (non-refundable) in advance, $10 on-site (if space available)
Return registration form & fee to:
Make checks payable to: Expanding Your Horizons (EYH).
Your check is your receipt.
Please Print Carefully. Thanks!
Last Name_____________________________________________
First Name_____________________________________________
Please indicate which program you wish to attend (see Adult Program for more information):
______STEM-115 Course targeting Teachers, Counselors, and other Educators.
_____For Credit _____Auditing
______Informational Sessions targeting Parents and other Accompanying Adults
Would you be willing to assist with EYH in any way next year?
______Yes ______No
How did you hear about the EYH Conference?_____________________________________
Please indicate any special assistance or help needed, such as wheelchair access:
Fine Print: <Registration
for this conference constitutes the granting of permission for the use of your
photograph in publicity for future conferences. EYH is not responsible for, and
cannot supervise students who fail to attend assigned sessions and scheduled
activities. >