EYH Flyers & Brochures
NMNWSE EYH and Careers Flyer
advertizing NMNWSE EYH conferences and Careers Book, not year specific, suitable for posting, color.
NMNWSE Fall 2013 Santa Fe EYH Flyer
Includes registration form for the Oct 5, 2013 EYH conference in Santa Fe.
NMNWSE EYH Spring 2013 Flyer
Spring 2013 EYH flyer suitable for posting.
Individual NMNWSE EYH Conference Flyers and Brochures
See the individual conference pages, linked from the sidebar, which may also contain local planning meeting information.
We are also hoping to add other EYH conferences - Contact the NMNWSE Board if you would be interested in helping organize or support.
NMNWSE 'Who We Are' trifold
Includes information about all NMNWSE activities including EYH, as well as NMNWSE membership information.
Want to recognize a New Mexico woman for her outreach efforts?
Then nominate her for the
Given by NMNWSE each fall in coorperation with the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women.