Call for volunteers to help judge NMNWSE Special Awards
at the State Science and Engineering Fair, and other news

We are seeking volunteers to help judge the NMNWSE Awards at the NM State Science and Engineering Fair the morning of April 4 at NM Tech in Socorro. Please contact Tinka Gammel (, 505-690-1318) if you can help.

The state Board will also be meeting in Socorro on April 4, after the science fair judging. All members are welcome to attend the Board meeting. Exact time, location, and agenda will be posted when available, or contact Tinka (see above) or any board member.

Also, the Central Chapter is soliciting input on the location (in the greater ABQ area) of the annual meeting in October 2009, as well as any other comments to help in planning. Jeanne Banks (Jeanne.Banks welcomes your comments, and an 'interest survey' has been posted on the Annual Meeting webpage for your convenience. Let us know what you think about the Annual Meeting.

The NMNWSE has nominated DANA ROBERSON for the Governor's Award for Outstanding NM Women. The Commission on the Status of Women has received our nomination. Stay tuned and keep May 15th open- the awards ceremony is in Albuquerque. Winners are announced in early April.

Nominations for our IMPACT! award are due mid August, so please be thinking about nominating someone for our award, as well as other awards you would like to see NMNWSE nominate people for.

Northern EYH is April 1 in Los Alamos. If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Lisa Coletti at

We also request any and all feedback to improve next year's EYH conferences....

Thanks for all you do!
Best Regards,
Diane Albert
2009 NMNWSE President