The NMNWSE Annual Meeting Planning Committee would like your help to improve our Annual Meetings. If you might attend this year's meeting, or you'd like to give input for future meetings (held each fall, usually in late October), please fill in the survey below.
Current year meeting details will be posted at as they become available.
*1) This form is for: (name, plus email or other contact info)
*2) How likely are you to attend this year's Annual Meeting?
probably will attend 50/50 chance probably will not attend
*3) Are you an NMNWSE member?
yes thinking about joining (click for membership information) no
*4) Would you be willing to run for next year's NMNWSE board? (will be elected at the meeting)
yes might be arm-twistable no no, but might be willing next year
5) Are you or your students interested in presenting a poster or talk at the Technical Symposium?
Likelyhood Format Presenter(s) probably 50/50 chance probably not probably not, but maybe next year prefer Poster prefer Talk no preference yourself your student(s) both
6) Which part(s) of the meeting are you likely to attend? (check all that apply; use the comment box to suggest alternate events or formats)
Friday Evening Reception Saturday Morning Business Meeting and Elections Saturday Afternoon Technical Talks Saturday Pre-Dinner Poster Session and Reception Saturday Evening Dinner (with presentation of IMPACT! Award, plus speaker or other entertainment after dinner) Sunday Board Meeting
7) Check if you are:
Interested in childcare Interested in accompanying persons program Interested in applying for a meeting scholarship for yourself or your student(s). Interested in nominating someone for the NMNWSE IMPACT! Award Interested in being contacted about helping with EYH conferences or other NMNWSE outreach
8) Which is more important to you?
nice venue, good food, good entertainment, own room, etc. keeping costs down nice venue etc vs. keeping costs down are equally important to me
9) Other comments or suggestions? (eg: a nice location you'd like us to consider, ways to improve the technical sessions, suggestions for after-dinner entertainment/speaker, suggestions for people to contact about making technical presentations, etc. General suggestions to help NMNWSE better serve your needs and interests are also appropriate.)